
I don’t know why some people are lonely. Loneliness is a strongly negative feeling. I realize there are many lonely people in the world. I thought of a great solution: for lonely people to get a pet, like a cat or dog.


I personally am not lonely. Yes, pets are great companions.


I think loneliness is state of mind. It’s something that you chose I believe. Although I do admit that we are social species. I find that I seek companionship from time to time but for the most part have become more comfortable with myself and don’t feel lonely. Pets are a great asset to help with companionship.


Sometimes I feel lonely but usually not. I have a pet dog. I’ve had a dog my whole life.


I’ve been lonely in the past. It was awful. I don’t handle that well at all

I am planning on doing this very soon

Getting a doggy!


I spend a lot of time alone and always have. I go through patches of feeling lonely but most of the time it doesn’t bother me.

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I always seek animals as good company of loneliness. It is the birds or wild insects. And they are always our ancestors to talk to. The spirit world is great company as long you don’t mess with it. But you got to study somehow. It was all demonised in my upbringing. Faith, love, hope and courage gets you into trouble and out of trouble. From the Frypan into the saucepan.:slight_smile:

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Have you decided on a breed yet?

I will get a mongrel.

I don’t like the pedigree dogs. They have issues with health and I don’t want to fund the inbreeding these dog farmers practise

Maybe a rescue dog I think, but I am not going to get a puppy. Maybe a 1-2 yr old

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We rescued our 3rd dog from the pound/shelter. I’m not sure how old he was but he was fully grown. He was very well trained and integrated into the family quickly. He was a Cocker Spaniel.

Yeah, some of the pet stores here are filled with dogs from dog farmers, and are inbred, I avoid those too.


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