List all the positive things in your life.
Here are my top 4…
- Food in my belly
- Roof over my head
- Job for some extra spending money
- Caring family
Time to meditate
A house, even if it does currently have a tree in it lol
Some sanity
A walker for my knee
This smart phone
That was funny @cdwithdcs
- Good Family
- Plenty of money
- Good home
- In decent health
- Gotta include my dog
- Healthcare good and mostly paid for by Medicare
- Plenty of food, clothing, and other necessities
and on and on…I’m fortunate in many ways and could list lots of things.
My own apartment
Plenty of food, clothing etc
My ACT team brings my meds and my therapist right to my home
Very little money but my needs are few
My guitars, bass, effects, recording equipment etc
My rabbit
My good health
Finally going to get my total hip replacement on November 11th
On and on, there’s just too much to list
- A roof over my head
- A warm bed to sleep in
- Plenty of food
- Financially secure/generous dad who helps me out
- I live comfortably in my own house
- My kitty, and all of my past kitties
- I’m smart as f*** (sorry for the brag)
- I’m talented as f*** (again, sorry for the brag)
- This forum – thank you guys!!
- My IRL friends
- My dad
- My sister
- My therapist
- My pdoc
- God
God comes 1st
- Gym membership
They are literally too numerous to count.
@Bowens, do you pick up your own meds? Have you ever gone into the Medicare donut hole where for a time the meds cost extra?
My dad usually gets them when he is out and about, sometimes I do, but yes, we pick up our own meds.
No, to your second question.
All one of them?
Today was payday.
What meds do you take?
Aripiprazole (Abilify)
and a new acid reflux drug that I don’t know the name of.
Do you get Extra Help from Medicare for prescriptions?
Yes, I do.
Ok. I don’t qualify. So I have to keep my med costs really low.
Positives in my life:
Family, friends, healthcare, food, shelter. I’m very grateful for all of that!
Same for me. 15