Let's diet together!

I stayed the same this week but had a big weekend with take out and a big meal out with family. This week will be more serious and back to the grind. Have started logging my food in my fitbit software and it’s not too bad. Get a good idea of what I’m taking in and it’s breakdown in basics.


I exercised this week but I have put on 2 1/2 kg.

That much weight has got to be mostly water or you still have bulk passing through your system. I’m sure you’ve got a good drop coming shortly.

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I finally broke the cruddy plateau I’ve been stuck at. I have been working on eating low calorie dense foods and a protein shake as a dessert and it helps me not snack all night. I haven’t had one single mini binge in over a week, and I have a recorded workout 18 days straight. Lost four pounds this week, so that’s exciting. I have a lot to lose so that doesn’t surprise me, but I’ve been here before. I have to work on consistency and to not let up.

Hope all is well, friends.


Thanks Pianogirl! :sunny:

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I officially weighed this morning, and I’m 257.8lbs. Last Sunday I was 256.6 so I have gained 1.2lbs. Not good.

That looks so good!

The leader of the 300 Spartans meant to say ‘Let’s diet together’.

Seriously though I should lose weight, but it’s a question of finding a way that suits me. Calorie counting has me obsessing about the accuracy of the calories consumed. Is that 100 g of meat or 120g? Was that 200g of potatoes or 215g etc etc.

Having a kitchen scale helps, but then you start with, “should I have measured that wet or dry?!?”


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Losing weight in the hospital is nearly impossible unless you just skip meals, so unfortunately I gained a pound while in there. Really happy that’s it, though. I tried so hard. I barely ate anything because all they had was high calorie foods. Even their vegetables were full of oil. :sob:

Anyways, I’m only one pound away from my first goal. I want to be 225 by next Monday. I can definitely lose a pound in a week if I try hard enough.


I made myself a sign for my bed side cabinet…

It helps!


I will eat Sweets only on Saturday, a chocolate.
And only 3 meals a day.


I have been replacing breakfast with a 180 calories protein bar or protein shakes since over 6 months ago. Today I didn’t have breakfast or protein at all. I didnt eat until 2:30pm. I ate Thai food an hour ago.


Sorry I have missed doing the polls a couple of days, been out of sorts.

2-24-21 Water Intake
  • I had more the minimum
  • I had the minimum
  • I had less than the minimum

0 voters

3-24-21 Exercise
  • I exercised more than the minimum
  • I exercised the minimum
  • I exercised less than the minimum
  • I did not exercise

0 voters

9,000 steps before breakfast. I’ll get another 7,000 over lunch and 5,000 or more after supper.


I’m 257.4 just now. A 0.4lb loss for the week so far. It’s better than putting weight on though.

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I’m 74kg, I’d like to be 60 to 65kg.

Lack of walking to university/lectures has caused me to gain a lot.

I really want to lose the chubby cheeks.

I’m lifting weights every once In a while but I may have to invest in a running machine

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I ran around for about a half hour playing soccer with Little LED. She’s good for my exercise habits.

Today I ate real food for all 3 meals. Stayed under 1400 calories. Still need to work on cutting out more sugar, but it’s a start.

I also started skipping the milk in my coffee and just drinking it black. As much coffee as I drink, almost half my daily calories were going to milk or cream, so I’m getting rid of it. I used to drink it black, and I don’t mind it, so there’s no reason not to.


It looks like I’m going to have a 1.2lb gain. I’m 259.0 today. I officially weigh-in tomorrow.