We should have an on-line game sometime. I play twice a week with my brother. We’re both pretty sharp. Never had my rating checked, though.
Will have to have a game with you once I’ve squared away the Level 1 and 2 exams.
Need to take that ego of yours down a few notches.
I’ve got an idea, how about you have chess pieces on your side if the board and I have checkers pieces on my side of the board. THEN we’ll see who wins!

Any takers?
I’ve been playing against a chess app (Chess LV 100) for the last few years, so I haven’t played a human being for that period of time. Since you’ve been playing against your brother for awhile, I’ll probably blunder as soon as we get into the middle game! (Or should I write ??)
That’s cool. We can just play a game on this thread…pick up our moves whenever we visit the forum. No rush.
I’m doing this in my head (no board).
Well that’s not fair. I’ve got a board here in front of my computer. Do you want to put our game on hold until you set up a board in front of your desktop computer…if you have such a set up?
I just drew a board on paper, but I’ve got to eat lunch and take meds. How can we play on the Internet (without subscribing to a chess site)?
Okay @kindness…
Move whenever you feel like it or have the time. I pop in and out of this site during the day.
I got a great chess set for Christmas, it’s all Sandman characters from the comic book Sandman by Neil Gaiman. Mr Turtle and I had another game on Saturday, it lasted about two hours this time. He decimated by the end of the game.
I’ll update board, per turn
after this, we play tic-tac-toe
You’re pieces aren’t correct. I drew the correct board as it stands now.
Sorry. Hold on…
Sorry. I think we’re getting confused. This is the way I see the board now…and it’s your turn. You can’t castle just yet…