Just went on the first "official" date of my life

I met the girl I’ve been talking to for a month and a half. She’s really nice. Her dog and cat are awesome. We went for thai food it was really good. I wasn’t too nervous. I paid the check. We didn’t hang out too long. She gave me a hug when she dropped me off. Then we said goodbye. But she said she wants to hang out again.


Good job…just loosen up and dazle her with your awesomeness…


You’re not wasting any time! Good for you, @turningthepage! Hope that relationship will be a great source of happiness for you! :grin:


It’s not official if it hasn’t been notarized. It is not legal until it has that stamp.


I wish you the best of luck sounds great.

:smile: Awesome! Hope you had fun :slight_smile:

Great news! I’m glad it went well and there’s more to come!

Sounds like you had a really nice time! :relaxed:

Good on ya :slight_smile:
Good for youz both to have found each other and thai food sounds lovely and that she wants to meet you again.
A wonderful relationship may have begun for you.