Lately I have stopped playing my piano because I hit a dead end, where I really want to play jazz piano but as I heard the technique is way different, I guess persistence is key and no matter what we as humans will adapt to new challenges, so this brings hope. But I just feel like I won’t get far, I don’t know… I think I find comfort in knowing with practice we all make better even perfect (perfect is subjective imo). I guess I have to keep trying and learning be disciplined no matter how hard it gets it will get better. We may find road blocks but as humans we can build towers to get over that barrier that is hindering our progress. We can do this, guys! Never quit my dudes.
I was involved with music for a while, but then it started to frustrate me and cause me stress, so I just stepped away from it and focused on other things. I guess what I am trying to say is sometimes things that we want to learn or do as hobbies can also cause stress so don’t be afraid to completely avoid things as well as immerse yourself in them.
Thank you so much @Chorus. I understand, hobbies do cause stress regardless of how passionate you are. Finding that middle ground is key though, where you aren’t to stressed but are productive.
Do you have a teacher?
I used to but she quit. So now I’m on my own, lol. All I got is 2 books I bought, piano, some songs, and YouTube.
If its entertain u and speak to your soul its not dead end.
u should be proud u know how to play piano.
and keep u busy in your mind which is good in our condition.
Thank you @laros, it does speak to my soul. You know sometimes I just get so frustrated when I can’t make music, lol. I’m very proud with the little I know. That is true I have to look at it from that angle. Anyways thank you very much Laros!
My therapist gave me homework to take up a hobby I suck at. So I started playing guitar again. I had been playing in college, but I was never very good, so when I got roommates, I stopped.
I am still not very good, but I’m enjoying it more now that I know the point is to relax, not to be good. Maybe you need to reframe your perspective. You’re going to suck at playing jazz style for a while. Maybe for a long time. But it will be a way to relax, and it will let you give yourself permission to be imperfect.
Thank you very much @Ninjastar. It makes sense, and no matter if I suck I will continue no matter what. Thank you again for your kind response.
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