Just a thought

They say that race is what determines loyalty in prison, but there is probably more violence inside races than there is between races. White gangs fight other white gangs, Hispanics fight other hispanic gangs. Black gangs fight other black gangs. And motorcycle gangs fight other motorcycle gangs. They do this because they’re fighting for the same niche in the drug trade, and other money making enterprises. There is overlap in their territories. The gangs can spout about racial purity all they want, but the almighty dollar is what really decides their loyalties.

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That is scary. I’m glad I am not that materialistic.


I’m glad your not in prison.

So am I. I’ve been in the county lockup before, and that was enough to convince me I didn’t want to go to prison, ever.

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It’s probably race initially. And then there forms division between those races. Once started out your friend then becomes your enemy.

It’s a statistic that criminals are more likely to prey on people of the same race so I’d believe it

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