Joker needs your help


Crisis line uk wont send you to hospital. There just there for a chat when you need them
You’d have to be extremely bad to get a psychiatric bed here cos theres a shortage


I guess policies differ from country to country. But I would be careful with med changes. It takes a while for the brain chemistry to adjust to new meds.

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It’s the Crisis home treatment team

I’m sorry you’re suffering Joker. The mental health system here fails so many of us :disappointed: hoping for the best for you.

What do you want out of the pdoc call tomorrow? Hopefully they will call you early. I’m wondering if you could try 111 if the crisis team are taking too long to get back to you over night?

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I want them to dispense my new medication in higher quantities so I can raise the dose faster

Also want something other than Lorazepam, as this has done nothing to help me

If I called 111 right now they’d send an ambulance

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Just be honest with them tell them everything the home treatment are usually friendly enough x

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It must be bad for home treatment to come out though

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Are you experiencing side effects - I was dizzy and feeling sick with nausea - all i wanted was to sleep through it.

When I switched to Geodon - I went up pretty fast - every month up to my max and then 40mg Latuda now is what works for me.

Are you taking Latuda once or twice a day. Maybe ask for twice a day. And you need food to get the full dosage right?

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In the morning.

The target dose is 148mg? Don’t know why they’re in weird quantities

I am being good at having the calories for the drug

From Flupentixol I have bad side effects

I am switching from that

The dose was too high and still not clearing symptoms

Sorry @Joker sounds brutal.
I hope they respond to your request - going faster on dosage.
You know how its affecting you and they should listen.

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It’s great you got a pdoc to call you. It is also good you have a dog. Dogs are positive companions. Hope you’re feeling better.


That’s a lot of changes. Sometimes it can takes weeks for a med to take effect. I cant’ remember exactly but I think Lurasidone started kicking in in 2-3 weeks, I started at 20mg, then 40mg then 60mg, Once I hit 60 I started doing better, after a month or two I was back to normal…I know the waiting to see if it works sucks but that’s all you can do really. What’s your dosage of Lurasidone? I’m on 60mg now, my doctor wanted to go to 80mg but I refused. I felt good at 60mg.

What’s your dosage? I tried lorazepam for my insomnia, 1mg was useless for that, didn’t sleep at all (but it would help with anxiety), I needed 2mg to sleep and it still wasn’t good enough. So I switched to 1.5mg of clonazepam.

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Sorry to hear you’re struggling @Joker it’s a pity amisulpride didn’t help you the way it’s helped me. Hope you find a med combo that works for you!

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I am starting on 74mg today

They started me on 37mg, but I am increasing it 3 days early as I lack patience

They only gave me 1mg twice a day. Honestly, I feel nothing from it

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Have you tried Xanax 1mg 4 x a day. It hits faster and harder.

They stopped prescribing it here for some reason. There was some sort of problem I read on the notice board, but can’t remember why

I was lucky to get Lorazepam, as they usually only prescribe that in hospital here

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Just remember, this can end for you. You’re helping yourself by reaching out.

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@Joker How are you doing today?

I feel like crap, but better than yesterday

The mental health services have called me just now, and they’re happy for me to reduce Flupentixol quicker, and raise the Lurasidone faster as well. Not that I gave them much choice

They wanted me to see the Staying Well Service, but I can’t talk frankly to these people without them calling emergency services

As for the Crisis Home Treatment Team, I said no way do I want those people coming to see me

So there is no support for someone like me, but I am used to it

I accept I am extremely difficult to deal with sometimes