Joker needs your help

Just spoke to the duty worker finally.

They’re getting a pdoc to call me


I understand, the first few weeks I had to force myself to wake up and go. I have to go in a little bit. Either way Joker, I wish you well and hope you find something that helps soon. I know being in a slump sucks.

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Hope you get to feeling better soon @Joker

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I am with you, it’ll get better, just try to hope and maybe distract with smth…
Clozapine didnt work for me either, i dont believe, that its a miracle drug nope. As you, ive tried 11 aps, theres no much more than that here either lol…
Only the zyprexa helps me to be on my feet and calms me a bit and even helps a bit the depression…
I take klonopin too though, its the best benzo out there i find, almost no side effects if its not the dependency…
I’ll think of you, dont give up!

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If not proper supplements what about over the counter tradicional remedies for anxiety like valerian, passionflower I find quite effective. Do you use cbd? Vaped or taken as drops sublingually does something for most people.

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Nope don’t even know if we can get that in england or if it’s legal

Did you finish with the pdoc call ? How did it go?

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Still waiting they shut in 1 hour

That’s tough!! I am here, so hows your dog doing?

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Dog is ok. Just about to take him out for a walk


That’s something I remember,
I had taken the dog for a walk,
and it pooped in the middle of the road,
and there was a on coming car,
he stopped and I had to lift the dog while she was still in business.
The driver of the car was like I could wait you know…

Not had that before!

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I forgot to mention when you take the dog for a walk,
carry your phone, you may get the call from doc.

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I got a call from the duty worker again

They just wanted to know what I am taking. Apparently I will get a call tomorrow

Also she wanted me to engage with Crisis Services, and I said yes, as long as it makes the med change go quicker

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I went through that too. I finally just asked if I could stick to what I’m taking now and learning to cope with my issues. I’m now in an intensive year long program. It’s helping a little so far. I hope you can find a solution that works for you soon


Should I engage with the crisis services? They might send me to hospital

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Here if you want to change meds quickly you have to go to hospital so that they can monitor you closely,

Or find an irresponsible pdoc who will do it without supervision.

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Everything except Clozapine is done without supervision

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I am not aware of what is crisis services. But the way you mention it , you don’t want too.
Here too we get to choose the doc, but I know the pain.
I had to wait once for 4 hours, when I took permission from work for 1 hours time.
Everything came crashing.
I say don’t worry, see some nature videos in you tube till you fall a sleep.
I do that some times.
Here is a link :point_down:

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