Joker needs your help

I am really struggling right now and I have no one to talk too

Been trying to add something to threads all day, but not been able to

Mental Health services are busy and aren’t getting back to me

On med change at the moment, and I think I need to speed it up massively

Lorazepam I thought would help ease symptoms, but it has not helped at all, and I feel hopeless and lost


I’m sorry, man.

It’s bad when the benzos don’t help.

What meds are you switching?


sorry man…hope you get it taken care of ASAP.


Hang in there man. I was on lorazepam too but it didn’t work. Made me more anxious in the long term because it caused withdrawals if I didn’t take it. I’m Back on klonopin now which works but it doesn’t be prescribed much in your country does it now?

Hopefully med services return your calls soon :soon:


Hope things get better for you.

I really like clozapine as a prn. It really helps me to calm me down and take a nap/sleep.


I have gone from Amisulpride, to Clozapine, to Flupentixol and now back to Lurasidone

I am tired of all these changes, and my body feels beaten down by all this change


i hope you feel better soon. let us know how u r feeling during this period and we will help you out.

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Anyone would feel beaten down by all those changes.

I really feel like they shouldn’t make such rapid changes with meds.

It takes so long for your body to adjust.


Thanks for your messages

I need reassurances and I am not getting them from anyone but here

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Ring mental health again, keep ringing them to get your meds sorted out quicker

I ring them 5 times sometimes before they get back to me


If I remember correctly you seem to be against supplements, but beta alanine and L-theanine act like benzos for me. Might be worth a go if you’re desperate.

Sorry you’re suffering @Joker

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It’s a joke. I can’t stand how slow and unresponsive they are

This is me


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Sometimes just going to see them in person and get it sorted
Maybe do that first thing tomorrow


Did clozapine and amisulpride not work for you?

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I’m sorry you’re struggling, Joker. I really hope Mental Health Services get back to you, soon. Can you go for a walk, for now? Just around the neighborhood or at a nearby park? Getting a breath of fresh air might help ease some of the stress.

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Clozpaine had severe side effects, and Amisulpride I was on for 3 years, but on 1200mg and it wasn’t treating the psychosis fully which is why they wanted to change it

It’s raining at the moment, but when it stops I will walk the dog


I’m not sure if you’re open to therapy or going to group therapy. I’ve been attending a cognitive behavioral therapy group and it seems to be helping me. Maybe you could talk to your psychiatrist about enrolling in something like that?

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I have issues committing to things like that. He has offered to refer me to many services, but I get too paranoid about it all

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