Jobs in the fitness industry

I really want to get a job in the fitness industry but I’m not really trained in anything technical. For that reason idk if I could be a personal trainer. Wondering if you guys know any ways to make money doing fitness, or any kind of jobs related to it. thanks :slight_smile:


I see you working out like outside and stuff,

But are you a member of a gym?

I don’t know if there are personal trainer rules,


You are in such good shape, just being in the gym would attract people that would like a trainer.

I’d check to make sure you don’t need some kind of weird certification (that’s probably wicked easy, if it exists),

Then just print some business cards.

I really feel that just people observing you in the gym would give you a solid chance at getting clients.

I’m not trying to hit on you,

Just facts that you’re in superior shape.


haha thank so much @Charles_Foster I appreciate your kindness :smiley:
actually thats a really good idea… maybe i should join a gym and that could atleast get me in touch with some people who are involved with stuff like this.

i worry about the prospect of becoming an actual personal trainer cause i dont actually know jack about lifting…proper technique…the science… nutrition etc.

but actually you kinda gave me an idea… maybe i could make more motivational stuff and try the social media route…idk

thanks :slight_smile:


I don’t have any advice for you but I will say i believe in you man! You can do whatever you put your mind to.


thanks a lot broski! i appreciate it :slight_smile:

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Word up.

Most personal trainers don’t.

I’ve had a few.

They’re usually 19 year old girls that can’t understand you have 20 years on them and your body doesn’t move at cheerleader pace anymore.

Or weirdo guys that try to hit on you.

By just knowing how to get your body in shape and not being a creep,

You are ahead of the game.


I got certified through ACE. It didn’t prepare me for personal training, because you need on the job experience. A lot of gyms have paid training or internships if you’re new so get it there and network.

Just don’t fall into the “I’ll start at help desk and work my way up to the floor” trap that I fell into. Also don’t work at planet fitness, the pay is industry low for big box gyms.


Dude take a course get certified and do it. You would do great at it.


I had a friend who had no degree or license and he trained random people in the gym for money lol


Also I know a girl who trains people for cash in her garage lol but she has a degree in kinesiology like me.


I saw a guy like that at the gym once. Some huge guy training this guy making him lift super heavy weights saying “OH I’LL MAKE YOU STRONG GARY” and the grunting and groaning continued :rofl:


Yea its against the gym rules but people still do it.


Looool that was really funny :rofl:
Thanks :blush: maybe I’ll give it a shot.
I went to the gym today, gonna sign up for a membership tomorrow.

Thanks dude. Maybe I should damn… I wonder if I could do it in a year

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Thanks for the advice :smiling_face:

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100% you got the passion for lifting, i think you could do it.

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Thanks for the motivation brother. Ill think about giving it a shot.

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Getting certified costs money, but it’s not expensive at all. Most people only respect the opinions of certified trainers. I highly recommend getting certified first.

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Hello @ThePoet. I hope you don’t mind, but this topic is better suited to the School and Work category, so that is where I have moved it. It’s very courageous of you to consider returning to work and the fitness industry is a great place to make a positive impact. Good luck with this.



Hmmm you have some interesting and different equipment for training.

You could start vlogging your routine/ diet / equipment for sure.

Even if it’s not perfect (maybe the diet lol), it’s human (and probably affordable for some)… so people would still enjoy your content.

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