I've been in a real slump lately

May just be because I’m on break, this tends to happen when I dont have something to keep me occupied. I’ve just been in a depressive mood, real gloomy and dissatisfied with things. The repetition of every day has been driving me crazy. Wake up. Take meds. Make breakfast. Eat breakfast. Do whatever until I can see boyfriend. Brief hours of happiness. Leave boyfriends house. Brush teeth and change into pajamas. Bed. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

It’s like if I am not actively working towards something, I lack a sense of progression and life feels mundane and meaningless. But when I am working towards something, I am stressed and just wish I could be done. It feels like a lose lose. Perhaps a very fine balance is required. But that’s not easy to obtain. Anyways that’s just an update from me.


Sorry you’re feeling this way,

Hope it passes soon.

Hello @Anna! How is your nursing studies going? I hope you’re enjoying it. On another note, i know what you mean about the monotony of life. Sometimes it just feels as though you’re doing the same thing over and over. It used to set me in a pretty dull mood. So to the best of my ability i don’t subscribe to doing the same things all the time. It’ll be better once you get a job in nursing. Because anything and everything can happen, keeps things fresh. Hope you feel better soon.

Maybe try some craft or hobby type thing to distract nothing hard or complicated something you can enjoy and take up some time with. I write not good at it and dont want to show anyone but enjoy it and dont find it stressfull as i can always put it away till i feel like doing it again sometimes i loom knit and im wanting to learn crochet i used to colour and draw but havent been doing it lately.

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