It's still a good life for me now

i try to handle the stigma etc in my life with proper maturity and i make sure to do the things i enjoy and that way i have built a decent and sometimes even a nice life for myself.

i used to feel like running away all the time, where was the question. now i feel way more settled.

i hope y’all are having good and decent lives despite sz. mine is on a trajectory of getting good



Im glad to hear things are looking up judy :raised_hands: :slight_smile:


You (and we) deserve a good life. Everybody does.


so happy for you Judy…good.


I’m glad for you Judy
I really am

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That’s good to hear Judy.

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Glad you’re doing well @ifeelblessed.

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thanks my friends. love to hear from you. judy

Great. I feel happy for you. At start all I wanted was to run away from myself but thatis impossible so the best approach is to face the fears and winning them one by one till you find yourself healthy. Interestingly my voices used to be very offensive, used to say I was going to bleed and all kinds of scarry sayings but as I faced the fears head on for many years today my voices respect me. What I hear the most is: This guy is strong.


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