It's a beautiful

Day for yard work. The rain, clouds, and thunderstorms have past. I’m so glad about that. My only worry is to stay out of the sun so much. My skin burns more with my antipsychotic. :hibiscus::tulip::rose::leaves::white_flower::blossom::sunflower::ear_of_rice::deciduous_tree::sunrise_over_mountains:


I used to tan but now I burn easily. And I love being in my backyard when weather permits. We have a privacy fence and I love that. I used to go on hikes in nature but I’m too scared to now.

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Same with me. I used to walk in the evening but ever since we got robbed, I’m too scared. I usually stay in my back porch sipping on some coffee. When it starts getting dark I lock everything up. It’s a ritual now, to check all the windows and door locks…lol

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We keep our doors locked all day and night because we had a guy try to come into the house while I was home in broad daylight

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Omgosh that’s scary. :frowning: How did you get over the fear. I have the town police on speed dial. I’ve called them so many times tho. I think they think I’m just crazy.

My husband is usually home so I feel safe most of the time. He has a camera on our house now too. I bought it for him for Christmas.

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Gardening is my most favorite pastime. I love hiking with Logan my youngest. But the sun affects me. I feel like a vampire in the sun. The storms have passed me also I understand what it feels like to be scared of the outside

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I’m trying to slowly get out again. I’ve invited my sister in law to go swimming near a waterfall close by. My brother in law lives with us, and he’s also paranoid that the thief will come back, so he leaves all the lights on when we’re gone.

Yeah I have started group therapy to help me with social situations. I also sleep with the lights on and I have the police on speed dial. But I feel like they think I’m over reacting

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Nothing wrong with extra caution. I’m just glad there’s another male in the house. There’s strength in numbers.

Water falls care great

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Oh yeah. I love going to the falls. It’s the place where the Hannah Montana movie was filmed. It’s a popular hang out spot in town.

That’s so sad you got robbed. I can only sit on the back deck now because I’m on air. Nature lovers are usually healthy people at least spiritually.

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Thank you. Yes, nature is very therapeutic. I’ve been on a therapy retreat before, we went hiking, and it was something I definitely needed to clear my head.

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