no way would i be a dd, staying in a bar all night, as people get drunk. im lonely but i don’t need those kind of friends. it doesnt sound like a good time to me. i guess that’s what taxi’s and uber are for.
one time an old roommate called me at 3am to come pick him up from a bar. it annoyed me but i went ahead and got him and brought him home. that’s the closest thing i’ve been to a dd i guess.
Yes, if you have enough sense left to use one. An alcoholic.
I called my roommate to come and pick me up too in the early am.
He and my cousin took my car and went home.
yeah i think i had to bring him back to his car the next morning. he later apologized, that was 11 years ago, i don’t think i’ve even been in a bar in 10 years.
Well my cousin was in town for a visit, and the three of us went out clubing. I didn’t want to leave when they did. I’ve been going to AA since 2016, and try not to drink anymore.
I love being the dd. I get to party and watch everyone else get stupid.
Drunk people are funny. That’s part of why i love being an uber driver tbh
I dd for the odd friends who drink, but I don’t hang around the bar all evening. It’s understood they text me before I drive them home. I also put painting drop cloths in my car because I know how this shiz works, yo.
I love to DD. I was huge into the conscious party scene before I became a parent. Conscious partying is when you go to lots of raves and clubs and such, but don’t do any drugs or alcohol. I just really love dancing, colorful lights, and loud music. My friends would pay my cover, I would dance all night, then we would all go to the diner at 3 AM. I had a blast! The bonus is, when everyone around you is wasted, you can act as silly as you want and nobody will judge you for it.
I would love to do that. I’d especially like to DJ raves, but… Would have to be booze free. I just can’t be around the stuff safely.
Free pop for the DD. Just gotta ask. Done it many times.
I used to be the designated driver. I had fun. No problem at all
I like to dd. It means no one pressures me into drinking and I know my friends are getting home safe.
I don’t much like when my friend calls me at 3am to drive her home, but I will always do it because I would rather be grumpy that I have to get out of bed than have her try to drive home on her own.
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