Is this depression?

I get intense urge to cry, I tear but stop myself from fully crying. Its ashaming, I don’t want others see me cry. The urges were much more when I went to the gym, I think the gym made my emotions stronger, same for Wellbutrin and when I went off meds or took dopamine boosters. Everytime my emotions come back I want to cry. I think I was depressed before sz I tried to kill myself twice almost successfully, ended up in emergency twice once liver damage from overdose and once from intentional car accident, I really wanted to die. Now on APs I don’t want to die, do APs have antidepressant effect? My pdoc and gp said I don’t have depression but its hard to believe. When I was hearing voices before diagnosis my gp said its just stress and to quit university which I did but still everything got worse until I was diagnosed with psychosis

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I get like that sometimes but im usually thinking about something emotional. It has happened where I walk into a place like you said and for no reason become emotional. Doesnt happen a lot but when it does it happens a few times in a short period like one or two weeks. It might be a little depression but im not sure

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It happens for no reason for me

Read up on pseudobulbar affect i think its called

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It could be. Some ap’s have antidepressant qualities like olanzapine.

If I remember it correctly, you are on risperidone. Risperidone made me very emotional and depressed. I just wanted to cry. It was very humiliating and I felt like a woman.

Having psychosis makes anyone depressed. It’s a sucky illness to have. It’s a life crisis.

Have you tried any of the traditional antidepressants?

My doc doesn’t want to prescribe me anything since I was put on ap’s. I don’t know why? They agreed to put me on paxil when I said I’m struggling with panic attacks. My panic attacks are kinda serious and very debilitating.

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They won’t prescribe me serotonin ads as they don’t think I have depression.

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I read inappropriate emotions is a sz symptom.

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Yeah its like laughing for no reason i guess, so paradoxical crying would be the name for it.

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That only happens off meds for me

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Dr prescribed me wellbutrin for negative symptoms but its doing nothing. I was on it for 6 weeks before it did nothing

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It was a big problem for me off meds.

People always asking why are you laughing

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When I was off meds for 2yrs I went to university and sometimes I laughed a lot in class for no reason couldn’t control myself so I ended up stopping going to class as I was ashamed i looked crazy

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Psedobulbar is called the Joker Syndrome

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That’s a very short time to be on ad’s. Why did you quit so early on?

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I told the dr its doing nothing so i stopped, i think it made me angry but i was already angry back then as i was on latuda, isn’t 6 weeks enough?

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A second main cause of inappropriate affect is mental disorders, including:

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In general, most people start experiencing improvements in their symptoms within 2 to 6 weeks after starting Wellbutrin treatment. However, it’s essential to remember that individual responses may vary, and others may take a bit longer to feel the full effects of the medication. It’s crucial to continue taking Wellbutrin as prescribed by the healthcare provider, even if immediate improvements are not apparent, as it may take time for the medication to exert its full therapeutic effects.3

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You think it helps negative symptoms? I feel like nothing will help

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No, I don’t think it will help with neg’s. But if your problem is depression then you need to be on ad’s.

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Laughter and flat was biggest and crying was distant third

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