Is there not one person on this forum or the history of the forum that's been able to survive without antipsychotics

I was just curious weather someone was a unicorn

Edit: Of course I mean long-term not somebody that gets off medication and goes psychotic a couple weeks later.


I think zombie stopped taking drugs, but she’s not a part of this community anymore.

About 20% recover and do fine without meds.


How long has she’s been without medication if you know?

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I have no idea.

I plan to go off olanzapine when I recover, but I’ll always be on vraylar. I’m not one of the lucky ones. I’m too symptomatic and have been ill for too long.

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Sorry to hear that.

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It’s ok. I’ve accepted my fate. It’s the way it is. Nothing to do about it. I wouldn’t doubt taking meds if I was diabetic.

Somehow people want to go off AP’s even though it’s what keeping people floating.


There have been a couple, but they are pretty rare.

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@Airparticle ,first,I’d like to apologize for yesterday…

When I was hard working,I managed to go of meds for six months.

After that time,my mother told me “Don’t think it doesn’t show”,and I went back to meds slowly…


You have nothing to apologize for. It was just a disagreement but thanks though.

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If I was not working stressful job,maybe I could manage to stay off,but had no therapist to work with …

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Yeah, we had a member a long time ago who didn’t take meds. I’ll respect his anonymity and not mention his name. He was married and had florid hallucinations but was basically a nice, supportive guy and he could sound fairly rational. I liked him personally but I was not envious of him. His hallucinations sounded like hell. Most older members would remember him, he was last on 7 or 8 years ago.

I can only remember a couple more but it used to be common for people to be off meds for months and claim they were successfully off meds. Can’t really think of anybody who’s been off meds successfully for a significant period of time like three years or more. This is despite the fact that some doctors or researchers claim that 1/3 or 1/4 of schizophrenics make a full recovery. A full recovery to me means no symptoms, no meds, high functioning and stable. Never met anyone like this yet. I think it depends on what your definition of a full recovery is.


Everytime I’ve gone off meds I got hospitalized :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

I’m sticking to Invega for life homie.


Didn’t ZombieMombie function without any APs? I swear I remember saying she tapered off several years ago. She left the forum like a year back though, I don’t remember perfectly.

I think it can be done but everyone’s sz is a little different, it really seems to me like it’s on a spectrum and only the milder cases can function without an AP.

It’s gonna be my goal if my doctor approves it again this year, I want to try, before I gain more weight. I’ve been reducing steadily for years.


I’m glad this place is pro med
I feel as if I fit in nicely


Sure, but how many dozens of people have tried quitting meds on here and failed?

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No I’m all for schizophrenics remaining on their medications

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Yeah, me too, I’m just pointing out that despite this being a pro med site, a lot of people have tried going off their meds. And failed.


I would probably still be functioning off meds if not for my mother-in-law knocking everyone sideways with yet another crisis. I was doing great until she blew crap up on my family. I do have a limit for managing symptoms without meds and she pushed me miles beyond the redline.


It’s a good thing I wasn’t advocating for people to quit their meds.

It’s the holy grail. It’s up there with sex with hot looking partners and winning the lottery.