Is there anyone here with the "other" schizos?

He would tell us how recovered he was and then attribute it to things like wide-brimmed hats or some other type of nonsense and then tell users they didn’t need their meds. I think he got tired of being told to take his obviously needed meds and moved on.

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I have had a billion varying diagnoses. I don’t believe in the psychiatric diagnostic system anymore. But recently it’s been PTSD plus the category “schizophreniform disorder and other psychotic disorders NOS” or something like that, I can’t remember because they are changing it all the time.

I have severe delusional moments when triggered or overburdened. Catatonia. Inbetween I am not or little delusional. Even without meds. Doctors think I don’t have negative symptoms. They have also said bipolar, borderline, autism, psychotic depression, and more. I think the honest diagnosis would be: we don’t know, but you have trauma and you have psychosis and you are a bit weird.


Yes, but I don’t put any stock into the diagnosis, so I don’t say it any more. It was obviously wrong now I’ve been psychotic for almost two years.

I haven’t seen a Dr since full blown psychosis set in, so I haven’t been diagnosed with any psychotic disorder yet.

It’s like the varying denominations of a religion tho, you get to shop for a diagnosis. Different doctors will stamp you with their different beliefs. It’s not an exact science.


My original diagnosis was schizophreniform disorder as I only had symptoms for 3 months at the time. It was changed to SzA when my symptoms did not get better after the 6 month mark

My diagnosis was psychosis nos for years until I stopped meds for 2yrs and relapsed. Then they changed it to sz. But I feel like I have sza instead.

with my (newer?) symptom of hypomania, it’s intoxicating at times…i feel more confident, creative, energized, then the burnout comes…

In 25 or so years, i never expected my symptoms to evolve so much…

possibly, i had, it without recognizing. i see my doc in 3 days. .

I’d rather take more mood stabilizer than SSRI

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I think diagnosis is just a place to start treatment. I don’t worry about it too much myself.

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