Is the psychotic brain smarter?

I think people are just obsessed with the whole mad genius myth.
I haven’t taken an iq test or anything, but i feel significantly less smart.


me too. It’s like we need something so this illness doesn’t seem so bad.


I’m not obsessed with the mad genius myth but I am puzzled. Although I agree. When you’ve gone mad in my opinion it doesn’t make one smarter. It makes the patient decompensated I think. I think the mad genius myth started with Isaac Newton and all he accomplished in mathematics and physics correct me if I’m wrong.

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I didn’t mean you personally, sorry if it came off that way.
Just people i run into day to day make strange assumptions.
That’s kinda how the media portrays it as well.

I never heard of him being sz, but i googled it and some think so…huh

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Thanks Mortimer - so that does mean if I’ve had two major psychotic breaks in my life - I’ve lost 20 points on my IQ?


I think with people with psychosis/schizophrenia although they may be smart, as in doing well on an IQ test, there can be areas of cognitive difficulty.
I score well on IQ tests but years ago did a test mentioned on by szadmin (long since unavailable) and scored below average for executive functioning. I recently did another online test done by a university professor and scored low on decision making(1/6), mental speed(1/6), and visual memory (2/6) .
I struggle to use my intelligence effectively in real life situations.


the mind can hold a lot of info

Sorry if I misread you Claire - I agree have a good one

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So true like memories they are fascinating how an image can appear in the mind and it’s as if you traveled back in time for a moment within that memory cool stuff

No, it’s the initial episode that is the kicker, subsequent episodes do damage but not as much damage

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I can honestly say know, intelligence is determined by your brains ability to prices and all tranmitters and receivers need to work properly, there is lack of normalcy due to process dissorder and that often means they’re less empathetic and impulsive and quick to temper followed by extreme highs and extreme lows… when your brain doesn’t work properly like process empathetic feeling of remorse or sorrow you become selfish and self indulgent to an extreme, anyone that doesn’t care about another human beings feelings to the extremity of causing pain or hurt isn’t an intelligent person. Now when empathy is lacking and each person is capable of intelligence they’re just perfection to talk the boots off anyone, that only means you’re dealing with someone who would consider murder and without remorse…
Each person is capable of intelligence and yes most psychopaths use intelligence because they have it they can even adapt to whatever and whoever you want them to be but when you lack key components for normality there’s no intelligence in that…
I’m schizophrenic and that’s a psychopath, I’m not any smarter than the next person however I can pick one out of the bunch and diagnose based on actions… you’ll find anyone can do that with simple observation… for instance I think my sister is a selfish twat sometimes not an evil person but she’s non empathetic and egotistical with little remorse, that means she’s normal in this world she only contradicts normalcy because she’s very self centered and that reflects infant behavior but she’s intelligent so this at times does make me think how dull minded society is but then I’m not the smartest tool in the shed… I’m only schizophrenic and an introvert/ extrovert with my partner. I’m not normal but my intelligence isn’t high and psychopaths aren’t more intelligent, that’s why we’re called psychopaths any intelligent being wouldn’t be so easily evaluated and deemed a psychopath… they’re noticeable however hard they try to fit in… So intelligence needed for adaptation and that’s primal is lacking…

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Thanks for putting a lot into that. I feel the empathy to others and being able to read others and not be over selfish I think is the sign of emotional IQ. I hope you can resonate with your sister. Sometimes we generate anger on loved ones and that’s normal but to be suspicious and think they are evil maybe that isn’t right. You put a lot of explanation into your post and I can resonate relate thank you have a good one Adel

Thanks again Mortimer. I’ve had a few breaks - last one fall 2015. Really don’t feel like myself after this last break something - don’t know what - changed. Is that common - to always feel different after a break?

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Yeah, breaks causes permanent damage. I’ve had two

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On this topic…I don’t know about ‘psychosis’ or what it does to the brain. But what I know is that I was a bright kid…not as in the conventional academic sense…but highly intelligent, creative, bit of a loner maybe. Today after what I’ve been through (sheer unbelievable horror) I’m…well…senile at 32 years old. I have some sort of amnesia…no ability to form an identity independent from others…I can remember being 2 years old but got lost on the way home from home depot (across town) today. I’m probably the most naïve and vulnerable adult on the face of the planet.

After what I’ve been through in life I have no clue why I’m not sitting in a chair somewhere drooling…why I’m still even able to drive. It’s like I’m still intelligent in some ways but my mind has deteriorated so much that I’m reduced to idiocy.

The worst part is that few will accept or believe what I’ve survived…and those who believe simply told me not to talk about it…ever. Silent torture is what it is and I’m too senile to be silent.

I have no idea who I am. Been more outgoing the past week or so and as a result blew all my money going out drinking…and making a complete fool of myself. I’m completely unable to take care of or advocate for myself. What the hell do you do in that situation?


When i get psychotic, my reasoning gets messed up and i experience low iq. My judgement gets deluded and i can no longer socialize.


Last year I had various visions in my minds eye. But now it is basically nothing.
No more voices no visions just an empty void. Minimal thoughts. It actually feels uncomfortable.

its good to share our thoughts since I’m very much the same.

Whether it’s going back to drinking, being unable to socialize, and having this void. I think the IQ we once had may have been brighter but in what way? Our ability to put our thoughts in typing have not dwindled at all. So we’re still smart in that measure. Have a blessed one

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I try to look at it as our brains became overly active during psychosis and now it needs time to recover. I’ve had a few episodes and after the last one my head was left a bit empty it seems.
