Is my husband having a mid life crisis? Should I go along with it?

I’m changing my opinion based on totally spacing on the living like a hunter gatherer thing.

That’s incredibly hard to do. For some reason I was imagining a house in the woods and modern homesteading. Like rustic and partial off grid, but not caveman living.

Living completely off the land is a nice idea, but without a lot of experience, it’s inviting disease and injury.


My main concern is how do you provide food for yourself?

Where will you get your drinking water from?

What land will you do it on to be able to make it legal and unable to be evicted etc.

Its a nice idea but its not practical IMO. There are too many things most human beings are used to to be able to go back to living off land without power/internet/water/heating/supermarkets etc.


The power, internet and heat can be done with photovoltaic solar panels. I don’t know about food and water, but there are people living completely off the grid who have YouTube channels. Yeah, maybe you can get water from rain water, idk.


I’m looking through the answers, and really don’t know what to say…

This must be a joke…

Go into the woods?That is no reality show…


do it do it do it. i believe in both you & him.

I don’t think this is a good idea.


The suburbs triggers me. Avocado toast triggers me. Sweating outside triggers me. Appropriating homeless culture mildly triggers me. People with no place to go triggers me. Having no money triggers me. Bad music triggers me. Weight watchers triggers me. Donuts trigger me. A life without goals triggers me. Crop circles in the woods triggers me. Stephen Hawkings philosophies trigger me. A life without positives to look forward to triggers me. Blow up dolls trigger me. Writing stuff down triggers me.


No thats sounds quite rational and natural actually. Probably just prioritizing his life and realizing whats really important.

I can understand why it would be appealing to both of you.

How about going for a tent camping trip. Those are fun.

I went to my uncle’s cabin in the mountains of Alaska and I liked it. No running water or electricity for a week but you would be surprised of all the stuff you can do without.

But I would continue to talk about it with hubby.


Your setting yourself up for a very difficult life.

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@Charles_Foster, what’s your opinion, you didn’t seem to talk here about it much?

mosquitos, flies, ticks, snakes and what have you…no thank you…you are braver than me…I would be really scared…what about guns? bears, cougars?


Not to be too pessimistic but seems to me it would be difficult to establish and maintain, and there are some basic questions. Water? Electricity? I know, solar cells, but inefficient and expensive to set up. How to get your mail? The shelter itself isn’t going to be simple. Sewer? Garbage disposal? Hunting gear, how to select, maintain and use hunting firearms effectively. The little day to day stuff, bugs, snakes, animals etc. But if you’re gung ho and know what you’re doing, go for it!! It’s just not gonna be like a weekend camping trip.


It doesn’t sound like a choice that I would personally make but I have no idea if you would enjoy it or not. It’s not for me. If I were in your shoes, I would try to talk him out of it.

But your choice of course.


Off meds, it sounded a good idea to me also… did a decade of research on it, but it’s not easy. But on meds I noticed it is not for me. As for midlife crisis, everyone seems to get it between 40 - 55. Currently im in that range as sympathize. But it is useful period.

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Sz ego is dissolved

Look, I feel what your hubby feels. It’s the wave right now, but just know that life in the woods is hard. Really hard. You shouldn’t need to go anywhere to be happy but I get it. You should ask him why he feels like this is a good idea. Maybe try and convince him to go camping a couple times and see what he thinks before making a decision like this. Society developed the way it did for a reason. People chose comfort and subsequently the path of least resistance, so if you go down this path it will be difficult. It depends on if you feel the difficulty is worth it for the reward of being closer to life. I can’t answer that, you have to.


Very good points @iconoclast_01

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Homesteading is on another level of difficulty. Living off the land is so very challenging and requires a metric crap ton of knowledge. It is very dangerous to go out into the wilderness without proper knowledge to live off the land.

It isn’t dependent on a lot of research, it is dependent on years of training and experience, where you slowly build up to that lifestyle or are born into it.

Shelter, food, warmth, and water are the basis of survival. If you can both become efficient in each of these areas of critical survival knowledge then go for it, but keep in mind it will be survival, and is often over romanticized.

I don’t mean to chastise or be overly critical, but this is a serious step that generally requires years of prep time. There are ways to scratch the itch without putting yourself in unnecessary danger. It seems like money is not an issue, but money doesn’t buy the most important aspect of outdoor living, which is experience. I mean it can, but it can’t be bought immediately.

Here’s what y’all should do. There are a TON of survival, bushcraft, and wilderness living courses/camps/boot camps that can last anywhere from days to months out west. I strongly recommend doing a couple and working your way up the ladder of difficulty.

Doing this will do two things, 1. Give you some of the knowledge and experience that I’ve harped about, and 2. It will answer if that sort of adventure is for you.

I plan on hiking the Appalachian trail one day, which is a multi-month journey in itself. I don’t think you should dismiss the idea all together, and I get the same “call of the wild” many people get. Just please be as prepared as possible. Courses where you experience that sort of lifestyle are a must before doing something like this.

Good luck and happy trails!


I think ego is illusion, mental construct that does not exist in reality.