Is it wrong to take antipsychotics?

I back u bade bhai @Andhrawala

When I came off the Prolixin shot it took several months before the symptoms started again, but once they started it was pretty crazy.

It is not wrong to take an AP.

I also think it is not wrong to try and find different ways of healing if meds are not working for you or side effects are worse than your illness. I definitely wish I had tried all other routes before ever turning to meds.

Some other things that might help you if meds dont work for you (besides trying other meds of course):

  • cbt
  • psychotherapy by a therapist specialized in sz
  • neurofeedback
  • changing your lifestyle
  • emdr and exposure therapy if your psychosis is trauma related

Before people shoot me down: for all of these i have research backing it up and I think people, especially when not responding well to meds, should know that there is still hope and there are other things to at least give a try.

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Yeah my current meds help the voices %10-15. Strangely my negatives aren’t that bad usually except that I have poor motivation. My psychiatrist says usually it’s the opposite. Aside from the Rexulti there was one other med out of probably 10-15 that I tried that had any effect on my positives.

If people don’t want to take meds that’s up to them . Just so long as they don’t say anything here that might persuade others to come off meds.

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As an addition to my former post: I didnt mean to encourage people to come off meds without a doctor. This can be extremely dangerous. I was almost dead when trying that. But I do think other ways of treating psychosis are worth a look, especially if meds are not effective, as topic opener stated. I just find it important too to not take away all hope if meds are not working, because some people actually do improve in other ways or do better without meds. I did not mean to say: everyone stop your meds. I myself currently have no choice but to be on meds.

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