Is it wrong to take antipsychotics?

Clozapine has serious side effects. So far, I’m treatment resistant, but I’m afraid to take clozapine.


I take Clozaril for more than a year and my side effects are drooling when sleeping, always tired/sleep a lot, constipation (could also be from other meds), and weight gain.
It’s been so worth it though; I had no life before Clozaril.


Look dude I’m not “getting over” it. And it’s trauma not just a phobia. You really shouldn’t tell people to “get over” their trauma in general cause trust me we’d all love to “get over it”.

And I know the prognosis is “worse” with out meds but it’s a risk I’m willing to take cause it’s better than trying to off myself. I think suicide definitely would make my prognosis worse.

I live for reason and logic. I always try to do what makes the most sense. I’m not gonna lie that last reply seems to be pretty rude but I’ll humor you. why do you ask?

Cause then you can reason it out that it makes sense to try an ap to see how it works.

As for the suicide , just don’t do that. If that’s your main hurdle then just avoid thinking about it and you’re in the clear. Mind over matter! Power of positive thinking too

Oh my god I’m cured thank you for opening my eyes it’s all so simple clearly I just need to take drugs and not think about suicide your so smart @Moonwalker (swoon)

Ok but in the real world that’s not how it works. I’m not going to take an AP especially not right now it would hurt me more than help me I’m getting tired of explaining myself to you. And dude “just don’t do it” is the worst advice ever short of you convincing me to do it. I mean like that addresses none of the problems that would cause me to feel that way? And then get deeper than that surface reasoning I have DID we all behave differently and I am not in control of them. I genuinely am just so baffled by the fact that you think this makes sense??? I really wish I could put into words better all the things that are wrong with what you just said.

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Sometimes in the utter complexity of life we just got to break it down in to something simple. There’s always doors behind doors behind doors of why we feel things, but if you ignore the doors and just walk down the hall, you might get to where you want to go

See my reason thread too:

An emotion as such tells you nothing about reality, beyond the fact that something makes you feel something. Without a ruthlessly honest commitment to introspection—to the conceptual identification of your inner states—you will not discover what you feel, what arouses the feeling, and whether your feeling is an appropriate response to the facts of reality, or a mistaken response, or a vicious illusion produced by years of self-deception . . . .

I feel like we may have already discussed this, but what about injections if pills are a trigger?

There’s also a patch in development, though that doesn’t help for right now because it’s not yet available.

I feel really badly for those whom medication does not help at all.

Well injections are also a trigger unfortunately. They did a lot of messed up things to “fix” me.
The patch might not be horrible to try although in the past patch medications haven’t worked the best with me.

An emotion does tell about reality. But you see the thing is there is no one true reality. We all perceive the world differently. Your reality is based on the principle that emotions are in a sense useless and in fact just an obstacle. My reality is based on the principle that if we understand our emotions and respect others and their emotions we can all find ways to better our situations.

To be honest @Moonwalker I think you need to consider the logic of emotion. The head and the heart seek balance. I’m afraid you are unable to comprehend emotion. And though I am glad you cannot comprehend the despair that pairs with suicide it makes me infinitely more sad that you do not even try to comprehend what drives such feelings in a person. I am at peace with my decision I weighed the pros and cons for myself. I know myself better than you think you know me. You cannot comprehend how my life has forged me into what I am today. One who knows nothing can understand nothing. So please quit trying to tell me that what I’m doing is wrong. Quit telling me it’s mind over matter if that were true nobody here would have sz. Please just reflect on what I’m saying. People have emotions sometimes they are obstacles but there is always more to it than that.

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No, it’s not wrong for me. I absolutely need them. I would probably be dead without them. Or institutionalized.

I’ve always wondered why so many bipolars are on AP’s. Especially when they don’t suffer chronic psychosis. These pdocs should have their licenses snagged.

These anti psychotics are not there just to treat psychosis. They can be useful in many mental conditions .

The pdoc on this video said AP’s are barely useful in psychosis let alone in anything else.

I wonder whether that pdoc, whom you are referring to, gave any alternate method to treat Psychosis let alone other conditions.

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Yes! Clozapine has very serious side effects. As far as possible we must try to avoid it. What are the drugs that you have taken till now. You can take second opinion from another doctor before trying Clozapine. I myself had taken 10 anti psychotics before settling on Aripiprazole and Lurasidone combination.

I don’t mean to say that you should take 10 anti psychotics. But there are so many drugs available now that the whole exercise is to limit the use of Clozapine as far as possible.

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Clozapine affects our rbc and wbc counts…u have to visit doc every month to test ur blood counts…so be careful with clozapine…life sucks…

@Andhrawala I’ve taken every atypical antipsychotic except omeprazole as well as risperidone. Nothing has made me stop seeing/believing things others say isn’t real.


Ditto for me. Every time I tried to come off the med’s it has ended in disaster. When I think about some of the ways I’ve behaved when I was off my med’s it really scares me.


If you are treatment resistant you have no option but Clozapine. In my opinion treatment resistance means none of your symptoms subside. If some symptoms subside and some don’t that is not real treatment resistance. In that case we have to go for combination of drugs in order to assure that all symptoms are covered. Hope you(and your doctor) have taken all these factors into consideration before attempting Clozapine.

Best of luck to you and wishing you a happy recovery.

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Did you try to come off the med’s on your own? That is bad. No doctor will attempt to get you off the drugs just like that. Even after all of your symptoms subside the doctor still puts you on drugs in what is called Maintenance period. Some times if the desired balance is not achieved one may have to take drugs lifelong. Only after he is fully satisfied that no relapse can occur the doctor takes you off drugs. So, the moral of the story is don’t do anything without the doctor’s consent.

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