Is it true?

My sister just told me that the incidence of sz are higher among those with Celiac’s disease and gluten could be making us worse. Have any of you heard this? Is there anything to this?

@firemonkey, have you heard anything about this?

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Among schizophrenia patients, 23.1% had moderate to high levels of IgA-AGA compared with 3.1% of the comparison group (χ2 = 1885, df = 2, P < .001.) Moderate to high levels of tTG antibodies were present in 5.4% of schizophrenia patients vs 0.80% of the comparison group (χ2 = 392.0, df = 2, P < .001). Adjustments for sex, age, and race had trivial effects on the differences. Regression analyses failed to predict PANSS scores from AGA and tTG antibodies. Persons with schizophrenia have higher than expected titers of antibodies related to CD and gluten sensitivity.


A history of coeliac disease is a risk factor for schizophrenia, as shown in this epidemiological study. The risk relation is strong but reflects a small proportion of cases of either disorder, since both disorders are rare

The association between CD and schizophrenia may be the strongest of any psychiatric disorder [95]. In fact, psychosis can be the presenting symptom of CD(96) page 4.



I appreciate you very much @firemonkey I’ve learned a lot from the articles that you share


I don’t think I have gluten intolerance. No bloating, diarrhea, or excessive gas.

I have gluten intolerance, always have

@Here4You, I think I might have gluten intolerance. I tend to have a lot of bloating, and excessive gas. But, I have no diarrhea. More like constipation. Is that gluten intolerance? Or is it more like IBS? (Or irritable bowel syndrome.)

I really don’t think so

allergies to certain byproducts, medicines, foods, or environment

have never been anything I’ve experienced or been asked about.

Yes, it’s true.

Gluten intolerance or sensitivity has a very wide range of symptoms, but there is no accepted diagnostic test for it. The best you can do is withhold gluten from the diet and see if that helps. Here is a list of some of the more prominent symptoms that may present as gluten intolerance:

  1. Bloating
  2. Diarrhea, constipation and smelly feces
  3. Abdominal pain
  4. Headaches
  5. Feeling tired
  6. Skin problems
  7. Depression
  8. Unexplained weight loss
  9. Iron deficiency anemia
  10. Anxiety
  11. Autoimmune disorders
  12. Joint and muscle pain
  13. Leg or arm numbness
  14. Brain fog
    Reference: []
    Also I found that Celiac Disease occurs in 1% of the population and can be tested for with blood tests, and maybe with endoscopy. Gluten sensitivity may affect 0.5% and up to about 13% of the population but how would you know if you can’t diagnose it.

In the study quoted by @firemonkey above, there was markedly increased prevalence of the antibodies associated with Celiac Disease in people with schizophrenia, at a high level of significance. The two blood tests mentioned are IgA-AGA and tGT.

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My brother has Celiacs. Auto-immune disorders run in my family.
People with Autism have gluten sensitivity, and I’ve read that sz and Autism are related.
I makes sense.

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