Is it the SZA or meds that make me unable to concentrate on films?

I haven’t watched a full film in ages. I have no concentrate and get board. I constantly flick between channel’s never picking anything. Its frustrating because I would like to watch full shows.


Well i have the same problem. Except it was happening for the last few years while on meds. Now that ive been off meds for a bit, im still bored by movies and its still super difricult to sit through one. Unless its insanely awesome. Which is rare as hell these days.
So it must be the sza. Since i have the same problem both on and off meds. But thats just me.

Or maybe it could be that we just arent into movies and tv series anymore? Not everything has to do with sza or meds?

SZA here- I experience the same thing

Just throwing it out there,
any possibility you have ADD?

They put me on Contra an ADHD med once when I was sectioned in 2011 and it didn’t do anything. I still couldn’t sit still constantly walking around, not that I was anxious but because I was high, this is before I got diagnosed with SZA. I have had manic episodes that have felt so amazing. these intense manic episodes have been the worst longterm mentally, they have damaged my brain as now they are now addictive. Once I go manic I don’t want to stop it.

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I forced myself to watch a movie and started hearing voices through the walls.

But I don’t care. Every movie is the same bullsh-it anyway.

I had this same issue when I was on 100mg amisulpride. After I reduced to 50mg amisulpride, I am able to watch movies and series fully.

Is it not possible you simply aren’t watching things that really interest you?
I’m a bit of a culture snob and for me 99% of TV shows (and lots of movies) I find unwatchable because they are so boring and poorly written - or written about things I really don’t care about.

No, I don’t think so, because I watched some same films and series that I didn’t like or not able to watch when on 100mg amisulpride which I liked and was able to watch fully and liked it when on 50mg amisulpride.

Yeah, me too.1515115

For me it’s the meds. When I have lowered dose, stamina goes up.

I experienced the same. It seems to be quite common due to sz. It’s not just movies it’s also longer talks and listening, everything where you have to focus on one topic, reading, etc. . It feels like things are not interesting anymore but in fact the problem is that you are unable to focus.

I experienced that it got better over time (6 month) and also reducing meds seems to help. But I’m forcing myself everyday with reading and on work to stay focused. I also watch movies even if they are boring. My next step is to change meds and see if that makes any difference. Although getting better doesn’t mean that the concentration loss goes away, you learn to life with that.

For me it’s the worst part of sz, I feel dump as hell :-1:

I think mine is due to adhd

My opinion is its the illness rather than the meds.

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I haven’t watched a film in months
I blame the meds but I’ve watched movies in the past and I was on the same meds as I am on now.

So it must be the disorder

I think it’s a little of both but meds can affect it. I know when I used to quit taking my invega I could sit still and focus long enough for a movie. I’m on perphenazine now and I’ve had better luck with movies though they’re not easy to watch. I can sit through an hour long YouTube video no problem though. I haven’t been able to watch a tv series in years. The last good movie I watched was dune 2. Before that I don’t even know.

its impossible for me to watch tv off meds and hard on them. so i dont think its the meds.

I have no friends or family to socialize with.
Well so I spendere all day watching T.v. And so I do.
I stream documentar movies and influencers on You Tube. I dont know why Im able to watch all day Long but my abilities to watch T.v. Started when I went up to 400 mg of Qutiapine five years ago. But I`m only watching Faction and not Fiction because I cannot live me in to a movie and therefore I quickly loos interest in the movie.

I just want to tell you that I was not able to watch anything on the T.v. For 25 years.

I Think if you do not change meds to many times and don`t touch alcohol or drugs then most of you Will be able to watch intertainment again.

Besides I went back to 600 mg Seroquel again because I Got so manic Yesterday that one of our Ladies misunderstod some gappish I wrote. I just dont understand I could write such nonsens. So I Got my LAI today and I aint going to play around with my pills in the future.
I don`t deprescripe anything any more and the term is only used for Benzodiazepine survivor groups.

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Me too. I have realized over time it is the SZA (or perhaps a combination of SZA and latent ADD).