İs it possible to delete my account

Thank you in advance i will come back 2 weeks later again.see you all
@Bowens @anon4362788


Yes, we can anonymize your account. Sorry to seeyou go. If you change your mind, let us know.

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No two weeks notation needed?

Sorry i want to send you pm but your profile is hidden @anon4362788 .i m confused. should i give 2 weeks notification in order to delete my account.thanks in advance

This works as notification.

You can send anyone a PM by clicking on the envelope in your tools bar, twice. The click “new pm” and type the persons name in the bar.

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I think she is offline atm. I would suspect that she meant you can anonymize after your 2 week waiting period, since she said “if you change your mind”. There is no changing your mind once you are anonymized, the account cannot be restored and you would have to make a new one.

Plus, its generally our policy to wait two weeks , unless for some reason it is impractical to wait, like someone unauthorized to do so using your account or something. But, we can wait for her response.

Edit: Nevermind…she responded at same time

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Ok i get it.thank you both for your attention.i will send you guys pm 2 weeks later.goodbye all.see you two weeks later :+1:


Just post here in 2 weeks. You dont have to pm.

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It’s easier for us to keep track of time if you just post in this thread. We don’t generally log the requests anywhere else. posting in same thread or pm(in this case thread) as original request makes it much easier to see how long its been. That way we don’t have to search through other history to see how long its been.

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İ changed my mind please ignore my request.

Glad you decided to stay with us @anon68444330


Thank you @Joker .i think i need this forum connected for my mental health.i realised that its crucial

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There is no reason to leave. We’re here for you when and if you need us for anything - even just a chat


Ayyyy glas you stuck around @anon68444330


Thank you @POET