By anger I totally don’t mean violence or intimidation.
I just mean sometimes the fires of anger can motivate you to make positive changes that inaction wouldn’t do.
By anger I totally don’t mean violence or intimidation.
I just mean sometimes the fires of anger can motivate you to make positive changes that inaction wouldn’t do.
I should have been angry at the delivery man today. Instead I said nothing. But I called customer service and made a complaint. They gave me a discount on future purchases.
As soon as you get angry you normally loose in life. It’s better to keep your cool.
i got angry at my panic disorder and it helped me fight the panic…I eventually learned through therapy how to unplug the fear associated with panic and anxiety and now I"m fine…but anger can make you depressed too…they say at the root of depression is anger. now I avoid anger at all costs.
In AA they say
“Anger is the dubious luxury of (non alcoholic) people”
I got angry about my health and lost over 100 lbs. It was inaction that let me gain the extra weight.
anger at yourself for your mistakes to spur you on do to better is good, outward anger at things beyond your control is unhealthy and not helpful. That being said if you are angry its better to express yourself in a good and healthy way to the person whos causing it.
So if someones annoying you you dont rage at them, or repress the anger. You say hey can you stop that. Besides that the emotions are meant for self regulation.
Sexual energy that’s held in and preserved is more powerful
The Dali Lama says " Anger is the punishment we give ourselves for other people’s mistakes "
a harsh critic could be an encouraging influence
Definitely. The times in my life when anger was a regular emotion within me, were some of the most productive times. Just gotta use it for good instead of bad. I mean whoever thinks that the hero’s of the past who fought battles for the greater good didnt have a chip on thier shoulder driving them onward are kidding themselves!
I think anger can come from a hateful place or a loving place. Take Jesus flipping the tables in a rage in the synagogue for turing it into a place of commerce and usury instead of spirituality and hope.
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