Intuition ((people))

In your opinion…
Is it normal to be very intuitive??
I sense people’s motives and characters very easily.
Ofc, it takes time to get to know a person -
But most of the times I am right about people.


Some people are. Some people aren’t.

Some people just have sz. lol.

I think the best thing is to have a balance between analytical thinking and intuition so that the right and left brain hemispheres can help each other to come up with the most accurate insights.


Women are usually more intuitive about things. Think it’s because of being in tune with feelings.

I feel I have a strong intuition and pretty empathic because of all the meditation.

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I agree with this part.
In my case - intuition lies not very often, but it def happens.
You need to use both brain and heart :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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This is very interesting!!! I need to start meditation, too.

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I used to meditate a lot pre sz. I think smoking damaged my ability to meditate effectively because my oxygen intake is bad now.

I’m hoping to get back into it because it’s super calming in a euphoric way for me :sunglasses:


I believe this happens because meditation calms the mind, which feels really good until the mind goes haywire, then it’s way too much lol

Kind of like eating very healthy then binging on fried foods


I meditated a lot in my prodromal phase.

It definitely played a role in getting psychotic.


So many studies show how well it works, def worth it! Work out for the brain & soul :slightly_smiling_face:

A common thing is people fall asleep, but this passes with practice.


Interesting @Jonathan2
Sometimes it’s not always as it seems.

Meditation got me through being psychotic, so much that I worked for years like that until finally diagnosed.


My intuition is shot.

I don’t understand peoples’ motives and am also paranoid and distrusting of others.

I think the illness gets in the way of any intuition I may have developed along the way.


schizophrenia seems to have a lot of intuitive basis for ideas and delusions

on its own its not considered a rational way of thinking

its probably best to identify when you are being intuitive and try to use a rational method to make final conclusions

I have noticed I’m not on point a lot since taking AP’s and memory isn’t as great too.

I agree inner fears def need a constant work out.

Have you tried meditation or rhythmic breathing like pranayama?


I think that I’m a pretty good judge of others but many times my distrust and paranoia of others gets in the way


I’ve always been a terrible judge of character.

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The memory things is kind of disappointing. I used to remember the small details of everything, even years later. But it is not like that any more.

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I don’t believe in intuition because kids think in black and white terms and are unable to distinguish that a person can be good at times and bad at times. They see a person as all good as long as their needs are met. I think we all have cognitive biases that cloud our judgement. Situations often challenge people’s preconceived notions provoking them to question their previous beliefs creating a need to fill in information that one lacks. I think with experience it becomes easier to siphon through your own B.S. and see what someone is trying to convey. Good things. Have a nice day.

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“I knew it all along” fallacy.

Hindsight bias.

I get feeling that I can’t trust some people. Is it my intuition or personality or paranoid tendency or social anxiety?

Psychosis has made me really vary of my own perception. Intuition/gut feelings are almost non existent. It is not good thing. It has impaired my social cognition.

I do not have good intuition, at all.

I went to a seminar that taught “women are intuitive, men are rational”. that way they help each other when ever intuition is needed, or a man’s rationality like protecting the family…something like that…anyways…you are a woman so I would listen to your intuition…

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