Intense sugar cravings

Since starting Seroquel Prolong, I’ve had an intense craving for carbohydrates.
Especially soda and chocolate.
It’s like I don’t feel full/satisfied until I have something sugary, which makes me overeat.

How do I beat the cravings?
I don’t want to gain weight again!

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Please… Be serious.

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Sorry i deleted my previous post

I unfortunately have just given in to my sugar cravings and I’ve put on so much weight since I’ve been on zyprexa.

Its very hard to cut down on sugar with certain anti psychotics…

I honesty don’t know what the solution is unfortunately else I would have done it already.

I don’t want to get fatter :sob:

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My mom has always suggested protein for this sort of thing (I struggle with it too). It does kind of help tame the craving when I have a little cheese or an egg instead of the sugary foods I really want.

I also try to fight off the cravings with fruit, diet soda and vaping.

I crave so much junk food. Hang in there, I know your struggle

I get you 100% on the carb craving. I take 600mg immediate release seroquel and I need my carbs.

Only thing I suggest is try to get your carb fix from wholegrain things like bread and rice. I have managed to cut out all simple sugar despite being on seroquel. (Am still overweight though :scream_cat:)

I caved this morning and ate some chocolate cookies.
I hate myself for being so weak.

I guess it’s ok as I don’t make it a habit.

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Think rat poison. I have trained myself that whenever I see the word sugar, corn syrup or processed flour, I think rat poison. When I see cakes, cookies, pretzels and pastas, I think rat poison. It works for me. Maybe it will work for you. You just have to convince yourself it really is poison, which it is? Sugar is linked to cancer, heart disease, diabetes and dementia. What could be much worse?

Sometimes eating more protein and moderate good fats like those found in nuts, can decrease your cravings. It will take about two weeks to do this. Also make sure that you are well hydrated because sometimes hunger is confused with thirst.

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I appreciate the advice, but I think it would be dangerous for me to think rat poison.
When my mental healty declines, food tastes like it’s gone bad, and I get scared it’ll poison me.

feel like iced coffee

wellbutrin makes me eat virtually nothing until I eat a regular sized portion at dinner.

I usually eat like one-two apples the whole day, then eat dinner.

i do have intense sugar cravings but my self-awareness is so high that I know I really don’t want it, I should just focus on something else.

I never let myself get distracted on that stuff anymore. HOWever, I had two small s’mores that I made and ny little brother made some two. that’s no big deal to me.
the chocolate was a reese’s cup. mmmmmm…

Whatever you do, don’t drink soda. Not even diet. Sodas make you crave sugar.