Intellectual degradation

Speaking of common.@Anna1

Have you seen yet how our psychotherapists work.? They put you on the meds with the dose just big enough to suppress the sense that you should get better than that.

I haven’t seen much exceptions. But they are there.

i was meaning thymoregulator like depakote or lamictal. i ve had depakote in the past…

martin,you like it haldol? for me till now i calmed down my fast thinking,ill see in the future if it will make me a zombie. i am quite sensible,its painfull inside of me and probably a major tranquilizer is a good thing for me…:slight_smile: i still talk with difficutlies and quite low-probably my paranoia :confused:

i think i am less smart that my friend schizo. but it wasnt nice to hear from my ex that he wants to sleep with her…ive strating cursing after he told me that. not on him but on my poor mom. i thought i was bright also but i was more like a nerd. i am probably just good educated. but my sz friend is writining books, still no audience but probably she inherited her father who is quite an intellectual- he is a litterature critic :slight_smile: and me,i come from the pure bourgeoisia i think. my father had a good business. when my sz friend goes mad she is talking that the police is after her and things like that. i dont have this kind of thing… probably the meds wont work on me but i am still so angry when i think my ex wanted to sleep with her,grrrh…

not all sz are stupid nope? it ll be devastating for me to know that i am a little bit an idiot… :cry:
i think that my sz friends dont have this…

I feel stupid too Anna. Just be happy with your friend and don’t be jealous. Try to learn from your friend. I have a friend who is much smarter than me and sometimes I hate it but I still like being around him.

yes,you re right astefano. thats the only way to recovery, not to be as bad as me…:slight_smile: probably isolation doesnt help neither :/.

i still cant think. i feel my brain inside my head,is awful cause i cant think to anything else… its not open this chakra if you understand this… i pray that haldol relieves a little bit this… i took one half of rivotril,it made me a lot better but i am still stupid in my brain…oh,what a disease,its terrible… my mom never went crazy even when she lived with my father who beated her and me who am complaining a lot :confused:

I am taking Wellbutrin now, it’s been just a couple of months, for depression. At first it made me less depressed, the crying stopped, but so did all other emotions. I didn’t cry but I didn’t really laugh either, and I am a laugher and I love to laugh and make people laugh. I’m mostly depressed when I’m alone, deep in my thoughts. And I’m a worrier and I have a lot of fear and anxiety all the time. So Wellbutrin could make anxiety worse? When I realized it was making me a zombie, I stopped taking it, but then the crying started up again, so I started taking it again. Not sure what I should do now. My son is paranoid Sz and this is the source, I believe, for most of my sadness. I’m still in the grieving stage. And now, even on the Wellbutrin, I have started crying again.

I feel so stupid and numb like 90% of the time i can laugh hysterically and then go to my room and cry. I can also shut down all my emotions and just hibernate. But none of this is under my control…like 90% of the time.

Wellbutrin, in my opinion, provides you a chemical foundation for happiness. But it can’t take away your thoughts, fears, worries, tears, your learned and trained helplessness.
Still, it helped me deal better with the stressful situations.

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so its common the intellectual degradation in sz? i try to understand the info around me. you had similar experince like me? i dont get politics and sport for example. and its not a life when you re so stupid…if i dont care i would be able to cope better i think but i still care… one pharmacist told me that my head chakra is not open probably wow :smiley:

Hey Anna, what are you diagnosed with?

Have you ever heard of depersonalization disorder? From what you’ve written on this site I bet it wouldn’t hurt to get yourself this book and see if it matches your experiences…

bluey hi :smile:i am in a country where they dont have a light hand. everyone with big problems is catalogised and diagnosed as schizophrenic. my ex pdoc was saying that i have schizoaffective, then she bet on paranoid schizophrenia with mostly negative symptoms. i dont have hallucinations. but i am depersonalized and derealized also :confused: both…
the psychitrist of my father thought that i am borderline. but even borderline take the same meds as me… i have other issues also like paranoia,depression,anxiety,anhedonia, intrusive thoughts…

Then I would definitely check out the book. Depersonalization can accompany SZ, and I bet that lots of people on this site experience it.

Keep going! You’re a soldier. :smile:

yeah,me i think also that depersonalization can cause intellectual problems. its like you re lost with your personnality. yeap,i am a soldier,hah… but i am tired of this also…
p.s. bluey,i prefer not to read about symptoms cause i know them all very well except the hallucinations. ive exprienced them on me plus the fact that i have an obsession with talking about the illness. i try to avoid this now cause it was my main subject since 5 years…and it feels like i become less human… i could write a book on the symptoms myself :confused: i dont know if i make a mistake but i prefer socialising here with you than books on schizophrenia. it will interest me forever i suppose but i try to read other things now…
take care

The book (not saying you HAVE to get it) deals with this … it’s called self-focus. Not related to narcissism or selfishness.

Either way, I’m glad you’re self aware enough to know that books aren’t helping you. Like I said, just gotta keep goin.

ok,i see. and you think that we are our biggest help in depersonalization? cause it s a tough symptom,i dont know if meds are helping this…it s journey to ourselves also, its even ineteresting but i was so autistic at the time,it will take time i suppose :confused:

I honestly don’t know. I just figured out about depersonalization recently. I’ll keep you updated.

yes,ok. me too,i started to figure from what i am suffering while ago… before i was really miserable. now i know what is depersonalization and derealization :confused:

you say that I can recover intellectually. but I think if this is true, it will take months and efforts… not only meds… I have memory problems, problems thinking, I am too naïve etc etc… how was it for you your intellectual decline? ive always had it I think…