Insulin resistance, diabete and schizophrenia

in my opinion there is a correlation between insulin resistance,diabete and schizophrenia…
in the family of a person with schizophrenia there is a story and cases of diabete and insuline resistance?
in my family my grand-mother has diabete, my father has diabete and my sister is schizophrenic…
what do you think about this?

Absolutely - this is thought to be partly (perhaps mostly for some medications) caused by the antipsychotics, as well as the fact that most people with schizophrenia eat poorly and have little exercise. It may also be influence by family eating, living and genetics (and epigenetics).

But there is a good science book that lays out the case that its predominantly the simple carbs that people eat. Here is more info on it: (click on the image below to see the larger infographic.

From this book:

Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It.

Gary Taubes, the science journalist who has thrown in his lot with the high-fat, high-protein crowd, arguing in his new book that the overweight should just put down their apples and walk away: “If we’re predisposed to put on fat, it’s a good bet that most fruit will make the problem worse, not better.”

At this point all eaters, fat or lean, could be forgiven for slamming the door on all expert dietary input, forever. But those who are curious about the science behind it all could do worse than to pick up Mr. Taubes’s book “Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It.”


More info:

read this study

“Patients are found to have abnormal glucose profiles at the onset of schizophrenia (SZ), supporting the notion that metabolic dysfunction is an inherent characteristic of the disease process and not only a side effect of prescription medication”