As a mood stabilizer? I’m currently on depakote, but topamax attracts me because you can lose weight on that. But if that’s the only benefit I’ll continue not overeating and try like heck to lose weight on depakote.
Topamax made me aggressive and violent.
Topamax is a weak mood stabilizer.
Depakote is usually more effective.
Okay, we seem to have similar attributes with our personality on invega and I have a feeling I would be agressive and violent too. Every time I’m around food, I think of zombiemombies advice, fist sized portions
Thanks @Wave, I’m going to ask for an increase maybe. My depression was really bad last night. I think I’m in a depressed episode, haven’t had mania in a while.
Yep, flat front of the fist. It really works.
Gabapentin works good for me, but I have to take a pretty high dosage.
Gabapentin is anti anxiety. Never heard of it as a mood stabilizer
It is used for many things, but it is an anti convulsant. It does help with anxiety and stress as well.
Okay. Thanks 1515151
Gabapentin is almost useless as a mood stabilizer.
But it’s effective for anxiety.
Hello howxs life !!!
Not bad, thanks for asking. Just got back from a mile run. How about you?
I find depakote a good med. I also tried to lower it because of my weight, but I went extremely anxious and I couldn’t stop pacing with a smaller dose. It was scary. Lamictal or lithium never calmed this anxiety, so I presume that depakote is good. Not sure, that topamax will be so effective on me either but I never tried it. And yeap, depakote also helps me a bit with the depression…
It’s worked for me for 5 years. I tried everything else…
I think I had to get blood draws to check liver function on depakote. I lost a ton of weight on topomax, all I would eat was steak. I’m on lamictal now and it gives me no side effects.
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