In case anyone has wondered where I've been

My computer has a land line connection to the internet. The guy who usually pays the phone bill canceled our account with the phone people, and I was using that line to get my internet. I think I might have to pay for a phone for myself only so I can use that line to hook up my computer to the internet. They said they would send out a technician to set up the jack this Thursday. I hope I can afford it.

In case anyone has been wondering, that is where I went. I’m addressing you from the Talequah library. The library won’t be available to me in the future.


I don’t use a computer (but I have one) and don’t use a landline for an internet connection. I just use my mobile phone. :phone:

If for some reason my computer needs to access the internet I can set my mobile phone up as a wireless hotspot and my computer goes through that.


take care @crimby glad you are okay. I thought you had some flooding?

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Yes we did. It took out our internet for a short while. Sometimes I think the fates are conspiring to keep me off the internet.

are you still taking medication?

Glad your back on @crimby.


Yes. Fully compliant. I inevitable twist off when I get off them. It’s good that I got back on them before I caused myself some real trouble.


Okay, take care and stay safe!! :smiley: No one wants to harm you on the internet.

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nice to see you check in, now and then, crimby. stay strong, bud.


Sometimes without the med’s I get a little too strong.

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