At the library internet signal

Wishing you all well… Sorry for falling off the world. I’m still looking forward to the animation fest and going to aa meetings… My meds are so so… But I’m getting by OK. Hugs


Hey buddy
I don’t understand, you will not be using Internet at your home?

Will you be using the Internet at the library from now on?
Does this mean that you will be logging on to this site from time to time?

I hope that you don’t become a stranger around here


Yeah from time to time … But I’ll say hi


I’m in the library these days also. Using their internet and computers. Wouldn’t mind so much but the librarians keep telling me to put my pants back on. :jeans:


anyway, Huck, it’s not allowed. I’m trying to build your career, if you want me too.

Keep producing your great stuff.

Don’t break the rules for this sweety. Ty tho