I'm too dumb

To watch Jeopardy. I think i got one question right in the whole show. I guess I’ll stick to Wheel of Fortune from now on, the people on that show make me look really smart!


Seeing you post over the years on here I can tell you are NOT dumb.


Your not dumb but the most embarrassing one is are you smarter than a 5th grader a guy on one episode was a ROCKET SCIENTIST and failed grade 1 question I’d be embarrassed to be him

The point I’m trying to make is that even smart people can’t do it

I think sometimes I’m stupid actually a lot of the time you guys have seen it many times

But rocket scientists can’t do it most people are screwed

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The people who play Jeopardy are freaks of nature.

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I have not once ever thought of you as being dumb, that’s because you’re not. You know lots of things, just not stuff that appears on Jeopardy.


You are far from being dumb @WhiteRaven

That’s a fact


Do you remember Ken Jennings he was amazing I haven’t watched jeapordy in years when the guy who started jeopardy died I stopped watching it

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Yeah Alex Trebek was Jeopardy for me.


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