I’ll also be handing out candy, our Halloween display is boss this year. The album drops the 29th for anyone who keeps up with them.
I haven’t been in the spooky mood this year. I’ve watched classic monster movies, and I catch the end of Svengoolie every week, but my mind is on Nov 1st. Im gonna be the most merry mf on this side of the Mississippi. Probably the other side too.
We have a porch, so I’m gonna sit out and give out candy. We have a bunch of kids in the neighborhood. Hopefully I can find my crazy werewolf mask, it’s pretty scary !
Idk what I’m doing Halloween but Nov 1st my fat buts gonna be buying up all the discounted candy that’s for sure…then spending the next 2 weeks in a sugar coma…happy Halloween yall
I guess im going to a halloween party at a skate park. I dont really like halloween tbh, spirits are real and it’s not cool to ■■■■ with them. Also the decorations make everything look fake.
One of the lucky ones I see. Kids here come and steal all what’s supposed to be my candy leftovers. We run out every year. This year I had to strike preemptively. No Reese’s Peanut Butter cups for them.