I'm sorry I post so many long posts

I even annoy myself with it. My thoughts just lead right into another, and then before I know it I have a three paragraphs post. Thank you to all of you who read all of those posts.

Things remind me of other things very often too, even if they are barely related. When this happens I end up telling a whole story that probably no one cares about, just because something KINDA related to it. Hopefully there’s at least one person on here who enjoys my stories.

My problem is that if I realize it’s really long, I don’t know how to shorten it, because even if I take out one sentence, then the ones before and after it don’t go together. Usually my topics flow together better than my posts, although still long.

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I have this problem when I tell stories out loud. My husband always jokes about how awful I am at telling stories because I’ll spend an hour leading up to the actual story and then just skim over the important parts. Lol. I truly am an awful storyteller.


I have that problem too. Whenever I’m trying to tell a story out loud, I’ll keep adding back ground information that really isn’t important to the story just because something I said made me think of it.

I’m not a great storyteller either, lol.

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Perhaps you and I are polar opposites @redanne I tend not to start threads at all but I read and comment on a lot. Anyways, I enjoy reading your threads. :slight_smile:

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My commentary tends to be longer too. Although I don’t like reading other people’s long posts.

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I skip a lot of long posts. I just don’t have the attention span.


Don’t worry about it, sometimes we can’t condense what needs to be said.

I am super guilty of posting crazy long posts. I try to post a short summary whenever I can at the end for those whose cognitive symptoms may inhibit them from being able to read the full thing, but like you for some topics there’s really no way I can think to summarize. That’s just how it be sometimes.

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I don’t like reading other people’s long posts either, that’s why I felt the need to apologize. I often skip over them. I read all of them if they are a reply to something I said though.

I have a short attention span too. I have trouble watching movies for this reason. No matter how much I like it, I catch myself zoning out or starting to do something else.

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