I'm Pretty Darn Lucky

I’m so grateful for my life. I know challenges arise, but I’m incredibly blessed to have such a great support system, which includes everyone on this site.

I’m so grateful for modern medicine and the science we’ve discovered for it. I know it’s not perfect, but I’m grateful for my health insurance that I will pay for by myself in a few years. Still, it’s provided me with the ability to go to therapy and receive medications that have helped tamper symptoms.

Most of all, I’m grateful to be alive because I struggle with this one, however, I’m learning to be more grateful again.

What are you guys grateful for?


I’m grateful I have a roof over my head and water and food. I have my grandma and uncle to thank for that.


I’m grateful for my daughter.

I’m also grateful to live in a time when psych meds are more advanced… or maybe I’m just lucky, but I’m also grateful for that luck too lol.

Ummm… Hmmm…

I’m grateful I get to go grocery shopping for different foods.

I’m grateful for my awesome family and friends.


I don’t consider myself lucky but very blessed. For all my psychiatric and medical conditions, I am still rather robust and healthy in spite of it all. I am fortunate enough to be posessed of many resources, blessings and graces granted me by my high -‐-------. I’m also blessed to have many hobbies, interests and activities to keep me busy and fulfilled.


I’m grateful for having a roof over my head, a car, and my amazing support system. I’m grateful for my clubhouse and advocacy work, my dog, and that i (currently) have insight. Although I’ve had some health issues, i am grateful that i can live independently and be a full participant in my treatment process. I’m grateful that i can manage my own money and don’t have any debt. I really believe that there’s a lot of benefit to having “an attitude of gratitude”!


I’m grateful for government assistance. Everything i have was given me. I don’t feel psychotic anymore. I almost cancelled my trip down south to see family for the holidays and it ended up I was safe. I have had a loss of sense of self and even though I have my basic needs met and God given the talent it is still sad I couldn’t have had a normal life.

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Very nice post @John_Raven

Looks like we all have some pretty great things to be grateful for. Good to focus on the good stuff. :slight_smile:

I’m grateful for my family, my friends, my art, my meds, my therapist, our home, and more.


I’m grateful for my husband and kids, my mom, my sister, my pets, and my team of doctors.