Anyone here like pokemon. Or any games they like to talk about, i dont want to talk about voices all day. I just want to get to know people. I was a user here back in 2015 but i left for 3 year, Now im back and i just want to meet people.
Idk do YOU guys wanna talk about voices all day? I just want to chat. Hi. How is your day. Hope you guys are doing fine.
my meds control it and if i wasnt taking meds it would be 10x worse talking about it, i dont want to give it the satisfaction, i dont even want to recognise it lol
Hi! I’m doing okay. Just getting some almost leg cramps so I can’t really sleep atm. I like video games like CoD and battlefield and I’m into Kerbal Space Program as well. I designed a spaceplane the other day that sent a poor Kerbal to its death. Those Kerbals don’t like me especially after I decided to see what happens when you don’t open the parachute at reentry.
I played CoD, my friends and some cousins play CoD but im more into anime games, like final fantasy, dragonball (xenoverse.,1,2,) and pokemon. And others like the “tales of series” i played symphonia and loved it.
I like the remake of hoenn omega ruby, my brother (best friends but like family.) and me loved pokemon since we were 10. Im 25 now haha…we battle you battle?