I'm learning computer science IT

The IP Address and MAC address of the modem is not shown. The Dell XPS 13 is only turned on during web surfing usage. Yeah, a bit careless on my part but my own system that I use is Windows 11 on a Surface Pro 8.


Hey @anon48059102 I do freelance computer work, I work for myself so I don’t have daily tasks. I just get calls at random times from my clients with computer problems.

I’ve been using computers since I was a youngster and I’m self taught, I learned by doing a lot of reading and then actually doing things on my computer for practical experience. I wrote my CompTIA computer certifications to prove to people I knew something about it.

I do all kinds of things, setting up private cloud server using Linux (I can use any distro but I stick with Ubuntu because it’s just simpler to always use the same thing and it is well supported). I’ve done some website design and programming. I build custom computers for people, troubleshoot problems, setup printers, a variety of things really.

Sometimes I come across problems I don’t know anything about so I have to do some reading. I normally deal only with residential and small business clients but I had an opportunity with a large million dollar business ask me to setup a QNAP NAS and integrate into their network for backup purposes, which I knew nothing about, so I had to download the manual and read it, but I got it all working they way the client wanted it. Other times I have to do a quick search on Google. Sometimes I figure it out on my own, and of course there are times when I already know what to do.

I wrote a post asking people for their opinions on my website here (I posted a screenshot), I blurred out all the personal information but you can see what I do by looking at it. You’ll probably need to view it with a computer, I don’t think you’ll be able to read it on a smartphone because it is a screenshot of the desktop version of my website (It’s also mobile friendly but I didn’t post a screenshot of the mobile version)

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yeah, thanks man its cool, you are really dedicated to computer work, i m just doing my first baby steps towards my goal. my goal is to work in a some company as a sysadmin. it will be cool if i achieved it. yeah it requires alot of work to be honest, but i can do it, i have confidence achieving my goal.

i have few books which i study. linux command line, how linux works, i dont have linux bible which i think is good too. i will try to get certification in linux proffesional institute. i will check the recources for preparing for that certification.i think there is books.

bassicaly im now working on some linux skills,and will go broader. there is no easy way :slight_smile:

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When I was learning Linux I bought “Linux in a Nutshell”. I also bought some O’Reilly books on PHP and MySQL to learn how to program, plus I read a ton on the Internet. Join technology forums, there are thousands and thousands of people out there willing to help you when you can’t figure something out while you are learning, and even after you start working. There is so much to IT that nobody knows EVERYTHING!

Good luck with your career!

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yes its good book, i have it, but its very old 2009 years released,

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lol, I have an even older edition, when I bought it it was more relevant, but I found it helpful.

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