But just for the record, everybody’s against me.
I feel this rn. I have to work at 10 am. I always let things bind me up and feel dramatic or worthless trying to thinking through stuff.
Keep moving forward. That’s all you can do.
Sometimes that all we can do brotha. Hope all is well
What are some obstacles you are facing? Where is some of the opposition and tension?
Well, being unfailingly nice and respectful to the woman next door for more then a year.
Now I moved in to my new room and she’s on the other side of the wall just doing some shi* to bug me. It’s not a huge deal but it’s a big deal because the bottom line is she’s being plain rotten, playing off my effort to get along. I already to deal with the stupid lump of crap upstairs. And his roommate.
I just got into my new room about a month ago and I thought it was a new start, no more bull to put up with. I was wrong. I have the 300 psycho roaming around outside menacingly. I have his roommate acting weird and causing me to go sleep in the living room last night.
Thanks for letting me vent. But wait, There’s more! Last but not least I have the new lady next door who hates men and periodically takes her anger and craziness out on me by focusing everything she’s got on my poor, tired brain. I think people who play on someone’s niceness are the lowest of the low. This stuff doesn’t go on 24 hours a day but it goes on more than enough. I’m tired now anyways. Eating two banana’s when I got home from work today took everything out of me. So now it’s time to rest. Ah, I had some good moments at work today and it was an easy day. I took it easy and drank enough Coke to saturate my body. This kid won’t die of dehydration anytime soon. Maybe OD’ing on grapes but IDK.
Maybe I’m blowing it out of proportion. Maybe it’s just a minor annoyance to put up with. Or on the other hand maybe it’s changing my life.
Thank you for your honesty and taking time to explain. I don’t think you’re blowing it out of proportion, and I don’t think these are minor annoyances. I think you have difficult people in your life who are affecting you in huge, detrimental ways. It’s hard that you already moved rooms because with that comes raised expectations and hopes for better. I wish I could take it away and make it better for you.
Are you able to talk with the others about their behavior and it’s impact on you?
What exactly are they doing to annoy you and wear out your brain?
Is this like the time you thought your roommate was purposedly trying to annoy you by coughing?
Maybe they’ve mistaken your kindness for weakness.
I feel this way sometimes actually a lot. Like, paranoia, but, when I balance my options for a while, I conclude I’m on the right path. But still, paranoia.
Thanks for the sensitivity. I’m laughing all the way to the psyche ward.
You can’t always change your circumstances, but you can always change how you react to your circumstances.
I guess this is the trade off for cheap rent in California. Sorry to hear.
Yes and yes, but it’s more the nature and value of information than much else more often than not. Maybe you don’t see this, but I do, and it helps me handle anything.
Haaaayyyyyyy, what do you know. We both show back up on the forum at about the exact same time; 4 days ago.
How you been? I think I’m still on probation on the siteand my replies and messages are limited
Nah, that’s buckshitch. If you are, you need to talk to them a little bit about it. I’d make sure to talk to one of two of them, so that you have rationality involved. They’re not sz. The rest are, and they are way overkill on everything. Can’t tell them that though because…yeah.
So let’s talk, mad man. I know much more than before, and I’m better at telling it. I’m even a lot better mentally than last time. My sz is vanishing.
And don’t be one of these shy people for no rational reason. If you’re PM messenger is hung up, and you can’t talk to the admin about freeing you up for good behavior, then we need to chat on another kind of platform free…maybe facebook.
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