I'm dizzy and nauseated

I think it’s from hitting my head but our local emergency is so effing awful. I don’t want to go back. I hope I can see my Dr tomorrow or Tuesday.

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It sounds like you avoided anything serious? I am really hoping it isn’t problematic for you. Accidents happen more often for anyone with Sz I think, I’ve had some small cuts and cooking burns over the last 3 years with sz symptoms. Gotta be extra careful! Take care and don’t strain yourself too much.

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Hope you feel better @FatMama.

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Look after yourself @FatMama. I hope you see your doctor tomorrow and get this sorted. These symptoms have been plaguing you for a while.

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Hope you can get in to see the doctor @FatMama. Seems like you’ve been having a tough time lately. Hope things look up for you soon.

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