If you could get plastic surgery, would you? What would you get?

Fu ck yes I would get plastic surgery if I could afford it.

Ha ha ha ha ha

I would get a facelift.

I would get a tummy tuck.

Liposuction on arms and thighs or surgery removal to make them skinnier.

I don’t know if I want silicone.
I have a a cup and I never wear a bra and I can ride without a bra.

I would probably want a boob lift to make them stand straight out again.

Don’t know if I want silicone.
Don’t know if the boobs are as sensitive etc then.

I would have hair extensions.

I would probably not do lip fillers.
If I did it would be minimal.

I think that might do it for me.

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Fat layer reduction. But more likely i would regain all the weight within 3 months


a lotta folks would say nipple piercing would be an enhancement

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I’m happy with how I look, but a square jaw and more prominent chin wouldn’t hurt.

This pic is 7 years old. Now I have 2 chins xD


No, I wouldn’t personally.


Nope! I am happy with how I look. I feel if I changed anything I wouldn’t look like me anymore.

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Feminization surgeries.


I have weird folds under my armpits. Like bulging lymph nodes or something but there’s nothing painful or nodular, it’s just fat. Weird.

Want them removed somehow. Thinking some kind of non-invasive fat-melting ultrasound.


I don’t really know what I would get. For the most part I’ve never even considered wanting it,

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I’d like a nose job…had it broken a few times playing sports when I was younger.

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I had craniofacial plastic surgery when I was a teenager, as the left cheek bone on my face was growing faster than the right (mild fibrous dysplasia) and I was looking a bit odd. They removed some of the soft bone-like substance in my left cheek and around my left eye (so I didn’t potentially go blind there).

I’m a handsome devil now… or maybe not :rofl:

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Tummy shrinkage. Seriously.

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Metformin, runs and gym. Couple months and you’ll be transformed?!

I’ve got a couple wrinkles between my eyebrows that have popped up in the last few years. Maybe a few small shots of botox there, and some bridge reduction on my nose. That’s probably all I’d do.

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Not for me, not ever.

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Haha, fair play, I am the same lol

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Er, not likely. How many pacemakers have you had?

I mean in terms of running lol

It’s not that I don’t want to or won’t, but that I simply can’t do it.

I’d love to be able to run.

I understand. That being said, it might sound false. But a chemistry tutor of mine. He had a pacemaker or regularly had to have it refitted and maintained, because he was an avid runner.

I should be able to run, I just wont do it because I get shin splints that I can’t deal with every time I try. It’s a work in progress.

Either way, hopefully yours health is managed and it’s not posing issues!