If family is so important to our recovery why do they discourage us from having kids?

We are all broken no matter what somebody tells you. Coming up on Easter I think I’m going to try to forgive my mom bf for having this thing for me…not sure how its gonna work out…clearly I still have to keep my distance.

I never did understand ninja turtles. Tony, my son, was always into those guys, from a young age, always thought they were cool. I just think they’re stupid. I guess I’m too old.

Your mom’s bf has a ‘thing’ for you? How does you mom feel about that?

I thinks she’s glad I avoid him.

The worst part about it is it could all be in my head like everything else. Good thing God knows what’s going on.

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It’s one thing to be broken. It’s another to use it as an excuse for breaking other people, particularly defenceless ones.


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I’m not a troll I just have a rough exterior if that’s the implications. I did not know @mylifeiswonderful68 lost her son. Check the emails and the posts. There is no way I could have known that.

You are a youngster… So where is your kids?

Don’t worry girl… GOD knows…

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Kind of inappropriate d00d. She is seventeen last I heard, still a minor in other words.


I don’t think he meant anything by it.

I didn’t… And I didn’t know.

I know ignorance is weak but I’ll plead it.

Sorry dude I should read posts more in depth

That was edited it was only a few paragraphs from before.

When my friend Betsy was 58, she was going to be homeless, so she ended up in a Nursing Home. I had permission to take her out anytime, and I did often.

One time as I’m taking her out, I said to one of the friendly staff, “I’m going to bring her back pregnant.”

“God, don’t do that,” chimed the staff woman. “It would be one more thing to take care of, and I have enough to take care of already.”



not quite understanding this are you? i don’t mean to be rude but maybe you should read her post again and let it sink in…i mean really sink in. her son’s life was awful…not because it was her fault but simply because of a brain disease. i’m very lucky, i do not have sz but merely chronic auditory hallucinations…but yes i have been delusional in the past a few times and each time my children suffered. they are now teenagers and both have severe emotional problems simply because they were mine. i was married to a dysfunctional normie if that makes any sense and thank god i was or the kids would have most surely been taken away from me at a young age. you’re obviously not seeing this from the child’s point of view and merely seeing it as injustice that your pdoc advised no children. i will tell you that having a new born is the most stressful thing you will ever go through and if you can handle very little and broken sleep for around 10 months, and then getting up at 5am for around 12 years…let me say that agin so it sinks in…12 years of being woken in the night and having to get up at 5am, getting a breakfast, lunch, dinner, cleaning up, bathing them every other day, listening to constant crying for the first 3 or 4 years, toddler tantrums, wetting the bed, changing nappies, dealing with pre-school, school, high school college, drs, dentists, social workers. could you be clean and well presented every day for the first 16 years of their lives? 16 years is a long time to have to be stable and looking on here i don’t see many people capable of raising a child in a perpetually stable envoirenment. think that sounds harsh? read mylifeiswonderful68’s post again…ask her about personal hygeine both hers and her son’s, ask her about social workers, dr’s, dentists, pre-school…was she the smelly mum at the school gate? been there, done that. did she come accross as normal when highly delusional dealing with all these people?? the answer is no and i know this because i’ve been there twice. you know my kids are so scared that i’m going to get sick that they tread on eggshells around me? imagine that, not even being able to express yourself fully because your mum might go of the deep end. like i said, i’m one of the lucky ones and don’t actually have proper sz but i am a parent and have been delusional at least 4 or five times over 16 years and not doing very well inbetween. my daughter is now 18 years old and too scared to even take driving lessons, she hates crowds, is terrified of drs and has m.e., my son is 15 and suffers from post traumatic stress disorder with depressive episodes. he can only do three days a week at school if he’s lucky. you want kids??? then think about them and not you. my advice to you would be to get a puppy and see if you can handle that before you even think about having kids. take off the rose tinted spectacles and see it for what it really is, the most stressful thing you will ever do in your life. get a dog and see if you can look after that, if you can’t then you will never cope with a kid as that is 100 times more stressful than a dog. i have two dogs, three cats and two kids. i have been stable for about 6 years now. life is ok, apart from the odd foray into past abuses mentally but it’s still tough. get a dog and see how you go…if you relapse and the dg has to go you know your not able to have a child and do your best by it. would i do it again? definitely but then i’ve already done it twice and come through the other side. at the time i had a husband so had support for when things got really bad ut i would do it again in an instant simply because i know i an handle it. can you?? you won’t know that till you get a dog and can look after it properly , brush it’s teeth, feed and water it every day, take it out every day, keep it’s shots up to date, get it’s claws clipped once a month, worm it every three months…the hardest part is day to day living. getting your arse out of bed when all you want to do is lay wrapped up in your duvet and the world to go away. can you force yourself to get you and take the dog for it’s morning walk…that obviously means that you have to get ready too, brush your teeth, wash, do your hair, put on clean clothes that you’ve obviously washed and ironed in preparation for having to go out twice a day, every day, 365 days a year. that’s just having a dog…multiply all those things by a hundred with no sleep for having a kid. get the dog first and see if you can handle it. i’m not trying to be harsh hunni, i’m just pointing out the reality of having kids. it’s hard work and there are no sick days, no days off unless you have lovely parents or brothers or sisters to give you the weekend off once in a while and even then there’s that old paranoia that something would happen to the child if you weren’t there to look after it…been there, done that. if you are going to have a child then make sure you have a strong family network around you just in case you need it. surprisedj is very lucky as he has a strong family around him who i’m guessing would be willing to step in and give him some space of needs be, plus his girlfriend is a normie so there will always be a stable element in the child’s life. pick a normie father if i were you…although on the flip side? if you fall out the father could try and take the child from you and unless you’ve been stable for however many years it takes till you split up, you haven’t got a hope in hell of keeping that child. lot’s of things to think about huh. hope this helps you make up your mind x


The reason that family life is discouraged is that by necessity it develops a moral foundation of order.

Look at society right now… There is no order.

That’s because in our quest for progression we have cast off the moral structure that is necessary for building the foundation for a functioning society.

We are now living in chaos and that is not conducive to a functioning society.

Curious as to where you live? In Western Canada where I am, most families are stable and it shows in the kids. The “at risk” kids at school are usually the ones from unstable homes. Single parent, disabled parent, substance abusing parents, abusive parents, etc.

The urban issues we see on television about conditions in some U.S. cities where many of the children are fatherless are just mind blowing. And depressing – no idea how you fix something that broken.


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I’m waiting until I am financially stable before I have a kid. I’m working with kids though, and may get a job as a behavior health technician, so working with kids is a gift of mine. I’ve been told I have a talent for it, and empathy because I am sensitive and patient.I am also good with special needs
I think we all should have kids, and knowing they are predisposed to a condition is no reason not to have them.

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