I was starting to learn Polish on Duolingo but…

My Dad said I could never truly learn a language on an app. What do you guys think?

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Duolingo is excellent. The spam on the email is just a pain :face_with_thermometer:

Im having to learn German fast as i deal with Germans and it seems to be working well


Duolingo is a great app— plenty of languages to choose from, and you learn to read, understand and pronounce stuff.

For some reason, I decided I was gonna learn Welsh :upside_down_face:. I still remember a couple things, but that was sooo long ago.

Crwr means beer, I believe. Haha :sweat_smile:.


I dont know about those.

It’s a good start. You’ll also need to practice speaking it with others (you can arrange meets through Duolingo for this), read Polish books, watch shows in Polish, etc. Learning a different language require a multifaceted approach.


Duolingo is a great start to learning a language. It’s probably the best tool ive found for getting a foundation in a language. It wont get you to fluency, but it will help you get to the point where you can start practicing all the skills required.


I love Duolingo! It’s a great platform. I recommend using the desktop version of Duolingo (not the mobile app), because the desktop has links on every question, that take you to a Duolingo forum.

On the forum, it has the specific question/answer you need to understand better, and there are many people explaining the question/answer in detail! So, if you ever need to know more about sentence structure, when to use different words or whatever, the forum is great for that.

I was learning Japanese, two years ago. I’d like to get back into it.


I just logged into the app, actually… It’s really improved since I last used the mobile app!

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I also think Duolingo is a good app. When it comes to speaking other languages I think practice is crucial. I speak Spanish, English, and studied French for three years. At the time I was able to communicate in French as well as read it. Without anyone to speak French with, my ability to do so has dwindled to the point in which I can no longer do so.

In short if one is serious about learning another language I think consistent human interaction in the chosen language is a must.

Yes, this. Have found it wonderful for French.

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