Anyone use duolingo for learning new language?

İ just started 5 days trying to learn german.its really fun.especially i like to competition with others.does anyone else learning on duolingo?


I’m enjoying using Duolingo myself.


Which language are you working on?

I’m trying to maintain my literacy in French. It’s my second language and I live in an area where speaking it is frowned upon.


can you use duolingo on your home pc? I want to learn italian again.

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Yes you can use on both pc tablet and cellphone

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is it duolingo dot com?

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Yes just search on google as duolingo

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I’m almost halfway through the latin american Spanish language program. Pure fun and enjoyment :wink:.

Spanish is my second language and was my father’s native tongue. I receive private tutoring in Spanish, and my tutor claims that I “speak Spanish very well”. I wouldn’t call myself fluent just yet though.

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