I was doing great in college and I had a job until I was very paranoid and receded into my dorm. Eventually I went home after my parents were alarmed by me suddenly withdrawing from college. Soon after I was hospitalized for suicidal ideation and delusions. My diagnosis is Bipolar 1 and Psychotic Disorder NOS. I miss being psychotic because I felt connected to the Holy Spirit and that I had my life figured out. I want to stop taking my meds all the time. I feel like giving up and that life is too much to bear. How can I overcome this? I tried to work but I quit after a week, and I don’t know if I can handle college coming up. It is pretty pathetic that I am stressed out and all I do is pace around, browse the Internet, and manage to go grocery shopping. I really want to get my head back into the game.
So meds helped you or not? Did they get rid of your psychosis? Psychosis is horrible idk why you want to experience it.
Yes the meds help. I am guessing I liked it because I was manic. I have a very strong urge to pursue self destructive behavior because I can’t handle as much as I want to.
Sometimes we all get these “urges” to “escape” from reality.
Its all fun and games until you’re either sent to jail or the psych ward.
Please take your meds.
I mean you can have mine if you want
Thank you I am aware I am playing with fire that is why it bothers me so much. Good to know it is normal to feel that way.
You can’t really escape from reality, the more detached you become from it the worse reality gets.
I tried to escape when I was off meds. I left all the ppl I know and went living in another country in another continent alone. It was hell and dangerous, I was scared that I would be locked forever in mental hospital in a foreign country away from all the ppl I know.
I don’t know for sure that if you are manic, you enjoy your psychosis and if it is sz psychosis, you don’t, it is more like torture. Can someone answer this? I experience both.
Sometimes there’s nothing you can do but take your meds and endure.They say time heals all wounds. Well, schizophrenia often gets better with time. You just have to keep from doing something stupid when you’re early in your disease. That means avoid booze and drugs and don’t give in to those self-destructive urges. If someone thinks they have their life figured out while they’re psychotic, it usually means the psychosis is fooling them and misleading them and they are delusional.
When I first got sick at age 19 I saw no hope or light at the end of the tunnel. I just had to go through the worst of it for the first 2 1/2 years. I endured. Now I’m 60 years old and looking back on working almost steadily for the last 38 years. I need three more classes for my AA degree and I’m all signed up for one of them for Fall and paid up. I live pretty independently and drive my own car. I never could have predicted any of this in a million years. I was severely ill in the beginning and in fact spent 8 months in the hospital when I was 21. And I spent the entire 80’s in group homes, hospitals, psyche wards and supported housing. I went the drug route too. I got addicted to crack in my late twenties and smoked it heavily for four years. I got clean in 1990 though. So when I say avoid drugs, I experienced addiction first hand and I know drugs will derail your recovery, possibly permanently.
Looking back, on paper, I never should have survived. But with lots of help, lots of hard work and lots of luck, I’ve led a pretty decent life. And a big part of it was taking my meds as prescribed, taking suggestions and not fighting the people who were trying to help me. I suggest you do similarly.
I think I understand. You loved the feeling of being special and life being a magical mystery.
Then real life hits and its tough.
Anyway that’s how I felt with some of my manic psychosis. It wasn’t all good that’s for sure. Lots of dangerous and bad stuff too.
I Also have bp1 with psychosis
Canadian continent.im I right.
I don’t think psychosis ever ends with schizophrenia. Maybe it’s case by case, really.
@77nick77, what are you majoring in?
Hey there’s a way for you to have a better life! Psychosis isn’t the answer!
holy spirit is not more beautiful than life your in
it is fake feeling
just love your life more look another look to your life with and gratitude
dont miss living your life
your family wont leave in psychotic
so try to exploit of not being psychotic to get wiser
that is my opinion really
There is a lot to be said about the experiences we have when we go off the rails.
I think the problem is you’re romanticising the good things, and ignoring the bad
Sometimes I feel the same way
Want to hit self-destruct to avoid the responsibilities of life more generally
We have to continue though until we meet our end
Just keep up the meds and fight for the best treatment you can - make sure you’re on the right meds etc
Yep, I relate to this
I went from Canada to Germany while psychotic.