Wish me luck… real anxious at the moment but hoping for the best
What is Austedu? A benzo?
No it’s a med for Tardive dyskinesia
Okay. Good luck!
Thanks @Jonathan2!
Best of luck with it @Vertigo
Thanks @everhopeful!
I hate taking new meds
Especially those that affect the nervous system
Best of luck to you @Vertigo
Thanks @Hanna_Foxx!
Good luck @Vertigo
Are U still taking your AP ?
Yes I am @anon57786250
But at a lowered dose
Depression is hitting me now
It’s a common side effect with Austedo
I hope it doesn’t last
Way to go…
Maybe trough time you’ll come to point that you can be without risperdal …
This would be great @zoa
Wow I’m noticing a reduction in my TD symptoms already!
No it’s not in my head
It’s actually happening!
Fine work @Vertigo !!
Thanks @el_Jimbobbio!
Wow, interesting stuff! Hopefully it’ll be ok long term.
Yes hopefully @everhopeful
So far so good
My depression subsided
Maybe it was my brain adjusting to the med