I think I met my soulmate

Ok maybe I’m jumping the gun. But I always wanted to meet a girl who agrees that I’m their soulmate. Plus omg she is blazing hot :hot_face: :hot_face: :hot_face:

Having fun :star_struck: she’s perfect to me :star_struck:. Just she lives in Arkansas. Didn’t know anyone lives in Arkansas :thinking: who woulda thunk it.


She’s doing chores. Hence why I’m posting not texting with her. We gonna have a phone chat later. Had morning selfie exchanges and kisses.

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My bro. You are manic right now. I mean, I am glad for you that you met someone and I hope it works out well. But please do not send any money or buy any plane tickets until you’ve thought about it for at least a week. True love can wait a week.


True dat. I said we’re not meeting till after ssdi comes. But she said she’d pay for me to meet her

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Awesome! What is she like?

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Smoking hot :hot_face:. 100% Cherokee Native American. A Scorpio. Really chill. Broken hearted girl but she deserves best.

Got to respect Scorpio women!

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I hear they’re kinky in bed :sleeping_bed: :face_with_monocle:

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Am I kinky in bed? Libra

Vanilla af sorry

Jk Idk. Never been with u :kissing_heart:

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Idk about that man :upside_down_face:

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Got to respect Libran women!


Fair game for u then!! I’m a bit of a freak myself I’ve learned about myself over them years.

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I dunno many but I’m compatible with Libra’s

Astrology isn’t everything

For example the homie @zwolfgang is a Scorpio
My ninja brother.

I’m not very compatible with Scorpios according to astrology rule but I kinda like it that way. !!

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Take good care of your self. And try not to do anything, that you might later regret if you’re in a manic episode.
Of course if everything turns out to be good, I’m happy that you have found your soulmate

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I’m a libra married to a Virgo. Supposedly not compatible, but in practice…


Oh wait. This website actually got us with the type of accuracy that is a bit frightening

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Yeah If you’re right next to each other it’s “fairly good” chemistry.

There’s a pattern in it. I used to know it perfect but now don’t pay so much attention anymore.

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Ive never understood why people put so much stock into zodiac. I doubt that birthdays have that much effect on your relationships.

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In astrology they say ‘as above, so below’. The position of the stars have an impact on us. My sister is into astrology and she channels information to me.