I just went and collided with another player on the head.
And was bleeding for about 10 mins. My nose is bit swollen. Should i need to check it with doc ?
Yes, have it checked out by a medical professional
Ok i will. Its the first time i am bleeding from nose.
It’s not so much the bleeding that concerns me, it’s the swelling.
Its paining when i touch it. I will go tomorrow to doc.
Having headache too.
I would go today don’t wait till tomorrow
yeah, I’d get it checked if its really bad. also you could have a little concussion, hope you heal quickly mate
oh my, go to emergency room right away !!
Its 00:48 hours if i need to go only emergency would be open
Trying to sleep now one side of the nose is blocked.
Yeah then go to the Emergency room
This sounds like an emergency
I dont think its broken only swelling is found i can touch my nose but i get head ache when touched.
Should i really need to go ?
Can you call a non emergency number? we have a non emergency number, its a good service, you can talk to a Dr if you need help and they decide if its worth going to A&E or to wait until morning to see someone. idk if its available where you are though.
You can do whatever you want but if it were me then I would go
Ok i will go and get it checked.
Yea I agree. You never know. Could have been a concussion
I did not go unconscious.
I told my dad he said put an ice and go to sleep
Thats no good man haha. Reminds me of when i got head butted real bad as a teen at night at a skate park. I think my nose has been slightly misshapen ever since then.
Is your dad a doctor?
If it is swollen and bled, stop asking if you should go and go.