I really can’t live like this

Hey maybe your serotonins low. Have you eaten in the past while? Maybe some peanuts or cheese or something?

I ate lunch two hours ago

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Hope you feel better soon @FlyingPurplePeopleMeeter!

I was suicidal two months ago and in hospital but since October my depression lifted and I’ve been ok this month.

Depression never lasts even though it feels endless

Life is a cycle

The sun will always rise again

Hang in there! Your kids need you and love you.


Thank you @Hadeda!

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Glad you made it through the night @FlyingPurplePeopleMeeter !!

Just take this minute by minute. Your pdoc and counselor are there to help you! You’re not too much, you’re just struggling and need some extra help right now. Stay strong!


Minute by minute, for sure. You captured it well, @Dreamer!

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Get my booklet on Amazon.com “Toward a Personal Psychology”. It struggles with such problems as you have. Suicide is not an option.

You don’t want to overdose on Lithium. Your kidneys will fail.

I felt that way on lithium for the entire time and I took it 7 years. I kept over dosing like 3 times total. They still kept me on it. It made me emotionally flat except for intense rage and it just made me want to not live. They wouldn’t give me antidepressants because I went manic on them in past. I eventually stopped the lithium, and the wanting to not live went away.

I like that “lifes a cycle”. There are no doubt ups and downs

Difficult times lead to good times /\ /\ /\ /\

You don’t need to feel miserable.


  1. Manage illness itself
  2. Manage lifestyle and habits (sleep, diet, exercise, no drugs!)
  3. Minimize stress
  4. Communicate with doctor, participate in and understand medication and other therapies you are recieving

Principles to stand by with meds:

  1. Lowest effective dose
  2. Avoid polypharmacy
  3. Gradual taper when introducing, increasing and decreasing, or discontinuing

Learn about the meds you take. Know how they affect you. Look into supplements as well.

Take notes and talk to the doctor so s/he can help.

I wish you the best in recovery. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Talk to your family (husband, kids) and in a simple and easy to understand way, let them know that they need to make allowances for you. They must understand that your life experience is not like theirs. You must explain it in a way they can understand, that you may not always be dependable, that sometimes you may need support from others in carrying out your duties, and essentially that your role in their life may not be perfectly typical.

As for the kids, NEVER transfer your issues onto them. It can be tempting to do that, but it is not a good way. Surround yourself with friends and family, seek help from the community and tackle your issues with help from others.

You can do this! You can make it! Keep reaching out!

Thank you all. I want to say you don’t understand, but I think you do. I don’t want to put my family through anymore. My dad is driving me out to see my counselor now. I really feel like I’ve done all I can.

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